File: Choo-Choo

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Honestly, now that they thought about it, they should have known something like this was going to happen sooner or later.

The first sign was when Percy and Tony were nowhere in sight.

They didn't think anything of it, mainly because it was four in the morning and they had other things to focus on (like coffee, tea, and other things essential to living). It was assumed that Tony was in his lab and, by extent, Percy as well. They didn't want to bother the duo, knowing that they needed time together after the recent events. It was hard on all of them seeing their resident demigod hurt but it affected none more than Tony Stark.

So, when said man came running up the stairs from his lab like a bat out of Hell, laughing like a child, they were rightfully confused. One was that they were sure that the genius' coffee machine was broken downstairs (on purpose, too) and they were pretty sure there was no reason for him to be running... Unless Percy decided to run his boyfriend over with his wheelchair.

Turns out that was the closest to the truth that anyone could ever get.

"No, no, I said I was sorry!" Tony squealed as he dived over the couch and a ball of water barely missed hitting his head as it went soaring past.

Before any of the other Avengers could say anything, there was a loud train whistle that filled the room. Suddenly, a miniature train came up the stairs where the Stark came from, barely floating above the ground by a foot. It was black with a sea-green tint and the top was steaming as it came closer to the couch.

Clint tilted his head at it, rubbing his eyes as he took a sip of coffee, "You know, it's kind of adorable... In a weird, awkward way." He flinched a bit when the train let out a soft whistle and raced towards him, somehow managing to tilt a bit up, "What's up, Perce."

The train made another whistle and nudged the archer's leg. The top seemed to open a bit and a metal claw came out, snatching the cup before the man could even blink, zooming away.

"Hey, Perce, give that back!" He raced after the train, which was surprisingly fast as it went down different hallways.

Tony poked his head from around the couch, "Is he gone?"

"Yes," Natasha answered, seeming unbothered by the sudden commotion.

"That was Percy?" Steve blinked, eyes focused on where the train, and the archer by extent, raced off to, "Why is he a train?"

"Well,"Tony laughed nervously at that, rubbing his hands together. "Funny story, actually. I, sort of, changed his wheelchair into a train 'cause I got an idea and, well, now I can't get the door open to let him out."

"Is he okay in there?" Bruce spoke up, "Wouldn't it get hot?"

"No, it's air conditioned and I packed candy in there. There's enough to last him a whole week. There's room for his legs to stretch out, obviously, so his knee isn't agitated and he can control the train with a remote control from inside."

The scientist sighed, shaking his head fondly at the billionaire. Of course this would happen.

Everyone, besides Natasha, jumped when a train whistle went off and they watched as the black train came in with Clint laughing as he sat on top. The archer never managed to get his cup back but he figured that was okay. He had overheard Stark's explanation and figured his friend could use the coffee in his system.

Clint squawked when the train stopped and he was sent crashing to the floor, "Asshole, you did that on purpose!"

The train went up a bit higher in the air, coming down gently like a dolphin and made soft whistling noises, almost like Percy was laughing. It seemed that, whenever the demigod tried to speak, it filtered out like train noises instead.

Steve walked up to the train and patted the top. It was almost like a dog, in a strange way. "Did you have any breakfast?" He asked once he had Percy's attention.

The side opened a bit and a metal claw came out, holding Clint's purple coffee cup.

"Is this all you had so far?" Steve asked as he grabbed it. He raised an eyebrow and held his other hand out, lightly tapping his foot.

The train let out a sad whistle before the claw came out, dumping out a small pile of candy wrappers in the super soldier's waiting hand.

"Percy, you have to eat actual food," The blonde sighed. "I'll make you some eggs and a smoothie, okay?" He smiled when the train let out a happy sound, nudging his leg. He patted the top before gently pushing it towards the doorway, "Go wait in the living room. I'll bring it over when it's done."

The train let out a whistle as an affirmative before it raised out and the super soldier could faintly hear Tony's cry of pain as Percy rammed into him. "Okay," The genius wheezed, catching his breath. "I deserved that."

Clint shook his head at the duo and let out a little laugh when Percy-train let out a soft whistle, almost like a coo, and floated down so he was on the ground like an actual train. There was a whirring noise before the bottom lifted and there was wheels at the bottom. The train whistled, making choo-choo noises as it went in circles, before going over to Natasha.

The assassin gave him a small, barely noticeable, smile, "Would you like to watch a movie with me?" She sat on the floor, crisscrossed, and lightly leaned on the train when he rolled over next to her. "Here," She held up the remote. "You can pick."

The metal claw came out again and grabbed it, bringing it inside the train. There was a moment of silence as the TV turned on and started rapidly going through hundreds of channels. Finally, it stopped and Frozen started playing.

"Seriously, Percy?" Clint laughed but it soon turned into wheezes of pain as a pillow smacked into his stomach. "Ow, Nat, what the hell?"

"You made him sad," She said stiffly with a glare, nodding towards Percy.

The train was making sad choo-choo noises and it actually seemed to be looking at the floor. The claw came out again, handing the assassin the remote, but Natasha refused.

"No, we're watching Frozen. Clint can go to his room if he doesn't want to," She sent her partner a chilling glare, leaning on the train a bit more like she was consoling an animal.

Percy let out a soft whistle of happiness, leaning from side-to-side gently like a tiny dance.

"Frozen?" Steve came into the living room with a plate of eggs in one hand and a smoothie in the other, "I've never heard of that." He chuckled softly when Percy took the plate first and put the smoothie down on the coffee table.

Tony finally got up off the floor, making his way to sit at Percy's other side, "What? That is unacceptable! Barton, sit down and shut up. Brucie, drink your tea over here, we're watching Frozen!"

Percy made a soft coo and the train stilled for a moment. Thirty minutes passed before the claw came out, holding a piece of paper.

Tony took it, looking at it curiously. 'When can I get out.' "Soon, PJ. I'm sorry, I didn't think you'd get stuck." The claw snatched the paper back and the genius waited until it came out, something new written on it. 'It's cool. I'm kind of comfortable in here anyway. Got anymore candy? I'm out of sourworms.' "I don't have any, sorry."

"I have some," Bruce said, having seen the note. "There one of my favorite candies so I keep some in my room," He explained when he received weird looks. "I'll go get some real quick."

Percy-train made a soft whistle before the wheels retracted and he was hovering again. He didn't move until he was sure he wouldn't accidentally hit Natasha before proceeding to follow the scientist up the stairs.

"Well," Steve said after a moment. "I'm actually kind of glad Thor's off-world for the moment. He'd probably think that Percy-"

"Percy-train," Clint corrected, grinning.

"Percy-train," Steve said slowly, shaking his head. "He'd probably think that Percy-train is a strange 'Midgardian' pet we haven't shown him yet."

"I wouldn't mind seeing that," Tony laughed, sipping some of Percy's smoothie after the demigod drank half.

"Of course you wouldn't," The super soldier sighed.

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