File: Slummin' It

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The only word Matt could think of was run.

Which was helpful since he was, y'know, running for his life from Kingpin and a titan. He wished he could say that he knew the other guy was a titan because his enhanced hearing told him that he wasn't lying- it would have been the believable explanation. The real reason was because Percy had instilled a healthy fear of titans into him by heavily describing their scent as Mango Habanero Squeeze- whatever the fuck that was- and Matt had thought he was joking until he got a whiff of the dude standing next to Kingpin.

Honestly, the only descriptor Matt could come up with was Mango Habanero Squeeze.

Needless to say, Daredevil booked it in the other direction before the titan could even say his name- which probably would have been helpful for something but Matt feared the Mango Habanero Squeeze.

Back to the present, Matt had been running for a good fifteen minutes and he was tired. The only reason why he hadn't fallen to the ground in defeat was because Deadpool kept quietly murmuring obscure things in his com unit and the spicy smell was getting stronger. Percy also had told him a long time ago that if he died, he would bring him back to life just to murder him with a sub sandwich and to this day he still has yet to tell Matt how he would accomplish said task.


Before Matt could question who managed to yell "yoink" aggressively, the vigilante found himself hoisted into the air and flung into a pair of arms. During the few seconds it took to reorient himself, he discovered that Deadpool and Venom had finally caught up to him and that the two were undoubtedly getting arrested once everything was over and done with.

"Did you hijack a fire truck?!"

"No. Yes. Maybe. In my defense, they left the keys in the ignition." Deadpool stated as he calmly instructed Venom to run over a group of HYDRA agents that he saw. He clucked his tongue in annoyance when they managed to jump out of the way. "Why does the titan look like that?"

"I don't fucking know, I'm blind. Why did you steal a fire truck?"

"It cleared the roads! We even had a police escort!"

"Okay but-" Matt paused. "...Where's the police?"

Deadpool projected as much cheer as he could in his voice. "I said we had a police escort."

There was a moment of silence.

"That's it, I'm calling Percy."


Before the two could squabble more, there was an ominous "thoomp" sound before the front tires of the fire truck exploded and the vehicle went flipping forward. Venom, free from having to drive the truck now that it was on fire, proceeded to grab Matt and Wade before leaping out of the vehicle and into the sandy grass near a beach.

"Did we ever find out where Percy was?" Matt asked. "Oh," He continued with because Wade had broken his neck in the tumble. He waited a moment before he repeated himself.

Wade shrugged, rolling his neck and shoulders as he got up. "Nope but I'm sure it's fine."

The vigilante and anti-hero were doing a good job at ignoring Kingpin, who was beginning to turn red in anger at the slight. The titan looked more fascinated with watching Venom eat a chunk of grass and Eddie standing next to the symbiote, chiding them like a wronged housewife.

"Why do you look like that?" Deadpool demanded as he looked at the titan, who blinked at him like a cat.

"What does he look like?" Matt wondered, curious as to why Wade seemed disturbed.

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