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"Let's Break up" I blurred out, I wanted to get out of the House as soon as possible. I can't believe what just happened! 

I raced towards the main door and she followed me.

"Jimin?! What happened? Why are you acting like this all of the sudden?" She asked gripping my arm. 

"Let go!" I shouted.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong!" She shot back.

I signed and tried to calm myself down. I did not know how to start I just spat out what came out of my mouth.

"What is Sae Joon doing in your house?" I asked.

"Sae Joon?" She paused. "How do you know him?" She grew her eyes out.

'Does she know' I thought judging from her expression.

"Are your dad and him close?" I questioned again as a wave of nervousness passed through by body.

"He was my aunt's husband... But how do you know him?" She was curious not letting me slide my arm out of her grip.

"He... H-he is mom's that colleague." I replied dumbfounded.

"No way..." She said as her eyes widened in shock.

"The person I have loathed the most in my life is getting help from your Father to cover up his accident," I added.

"Ji-jimin I think you have misunderstood something... My dad told me he let him stay cause he had some financial problem. He would never do something like that." She said trying to convince me. 

"Really? I just heard them talking about compensating my dad's loss with money." I finally yacked her hand away.

"What you a-are talking about do-does not make sense.." She stammered as tears escaped her eyes.

"So leave me alone," I whispered turning around. She could not say anything in return.

My eyes started becoming teary as I was walking further away... 

"Why does it have to turn out like this!?" I murmur under my breath as I was on the verge of crying. I got out of the house and walked past the bus stop. I had a lot of things in mind so I have to sort it out.

"Why does it have to happen to me? What am I suppose to do?!" I yelled and let it out as I broke down in the middle empty street.

It felt like my heart was tearing apart and I did not know how to control myself. I felt like I was lost in a dark cave alone and whenever I asked someone on the way for help they agree and get my hopes up but later they just leave me alone again due to some of the other reason.


As I was going to use the restroom I heard a familiar voice coming from some room. So out of curiosity I slowly walked towards that room, I could recognise the voice... it was Sae Joon's, I was shocked to see him there so I hid behind the wall to overhear what they were talking about.

I heard her dad and Sae Joon talking about giving someone monthly compensation, Sae Joon was asking money from her dad so that he would not get into trouble. I was confused and not able to figure it out. Later Sae Joon explained her dad that he had crashed into someone and just framed it as a traffic accident and it turned out that he was having an affair with that man's wife.

Then it hit me... he was compensating mom for dad's loss while dating her, I could not bear to listen to their conversation more and banged in and both of them were shocked to see me. I ran towards Sae Joon and threw punches on his face while swearing at him. The last thing I remember before leaving that room was Sae Joon's nose started bleeding as her dad was trying his best to get me off him. 

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