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Y/N's POV (Next morning)

"Ahh..." A sudden twinge in my back bought me consciousness. I felt like lying on a soft surface and as if lights were beaming out of the ceiling. I attempted to get up but to my surprise, I didn't move an inch. I started to panic, realizing I couldn't move my legs or hands, as if my body was paralysed.


"Y/n!" I heard someone calling while shaking me vigorously.

"Y/n?! Why are you sweating so much?" I finally opened my eyes and came back to reality panting heavily.

I turned to my side to find my dad looking at me with a relieved expression.

I was wiping the sweat off my face with my sleeves while

"Wait! I'll call the doctors!" He muttered stroking my head before rushing out of the room.

Soon the doctors and nurses came rushing in and did the basic check-up. Looking around, I discerned I was in the hospital, wearing the patient robe with a lot of bandages wrapped around my torso and a needle of Saline solution pierced down my hand.

I signed, looking at them talk to dad. The sight did not seem scary or foreign. It wasn't my first time experiencing this, the situation was very similar to what I had gone through the first time I woke up three years ago.

I was lost in my thoughts and did not even realize the doctors had left.

"Honey, you're feeling alright?" Dad asked which interrupted my zone-out session.

I just hummed back turning my poker face in the opposite direction.

"Y/n... Look at me." He requested taking a seat on my bed.

I was trying my best to go back to sleep so that I could avoid such a situation.

"Y/n... I get it, I know you're upset with me... but now you know my reason." He said trying to make up.

"Yeah sure... you always have reasons to justify your mistakes, don't you?" Came out rude.

"Honey... I just thought you'll be mentally affected if I had told you about them, I thought you'll-" I cut him off.

"You thought that! You thought this! If you really wanted to do my thinking part as well what is the use of my brain?! I mean what am I for then, when you do all my thinking part?" I slammed at him.

"Y/n... it's just that, adults have more experience with such thing, we know how to deal certain problems." He justified again.

"Oh yeah?! Is that so?! If you are so wisely-brainy you must have also thought about my feelings as well... how I would feel, how betrayed I would feel after getting to know about my past and how I would have to go on every day with severe trust issues!" I said as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"Y/n... calm down-"

"Wow... even after realising your mistake, you don't have the courtesy to apologize. Do you really care about me?" I asked in the most brutal way possible.

He did not utter a word after that, He just told me to take some rest and went out of the room.


I was staring at the ceiling thinking back on what Saejoon revealed. I was curious what happened after I blanked and why no one came to visit me. I was not in the position to walk out and ask people what happened, that's when suddenly I heard the room's door click open.

I was frustrated I had to face dad again. I was about gonna turn around go back to sleep.

"Y/n! How are you feeling?"

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