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"I ac-actually like you..." He said.

I froze at that moment. I was speechless. I just stared at him blankly without knowing how to react.

"What about Inha then?" I asked as we both sat down awkwardly.

"Inha? What about her?"

"I thought she was the one you liked."

"I like Inha? Nah Y/n you misunderstood. Inha and I are friends since childhood." He said reassuring.

"Oh... but I am sure she has a big fat crush on you." I said pulling the notes out of my bag.

"Talking of Inha I haven't seen her since the past week. She would constantly give me death stares when she sees me in the hallways." I added.

"Umm.. Inha... She left Korea with her dad as her parents got a divorce." I could see a hint of sadness in his face. I guess it must have been hard for him as his friend since left him.

"So, is that why did you have been avoiding me the past week?" I asked him out of curiosity. Is it because he was upset because Inha let all of a sudden.

"Actually I had a lot on my mind." He paused.

"So I decided that I would avoid people for a week and see if it affected me. And... I realised I really have feeling for you. I couldn't stop thinking about you..." He said. I went blank again.

"Woah... That was unexpected." I did not know what to reply. I did not want to make him sad but I can't help it, I have to tell him the truth.

"Hoseok, I don't feel the same way back. I'm sorry." I blurted out.

*awkward silence*

"Y/n how about this? We can be together for a week, I'll try my best to make you like me, and even after a week, you don't feel the same way back... Then you can reject me." He said. I did not want to do something like that. Before I could say something.

"Please give me a chance? I will be very hurt if you reject me like that... huh... Just a week?" He said trying to act cute and convince me. I guess it worked.

"Okay... Only till next friday!" I said hesitantly. I mean I did not want to upset him, he was my first friend and helped me a lot with everything new. So... I thought I will give it a try, it's only for a week anyways.

"Thank you Y/n!! I'll do my best! I bet you'll fall for my charms." He said winking at me.

I just glared at him and started going through my notes. After a while of using my brain, my eyes started to weigh heavy. I just dropped my head on my book.

"Want me to get coffee?" Hoseok asked flipping the pages of his book.
"Yup!" I tossed my head up.

He smiled getting up and headed out of the library. I looked around and there were not many people just five or six more students were sitting further away. I pulled my phone out and texted Jimin.

What ya doin'?

I did not get a reply. I just waited for Hoseok to get me coffee and get back to studying. He came back with two cups of cold coffee...


Hoseok walked me home and when we reached my house we waved at each other and I came in and was welcomed by the darkness inside the house. I quickly went to my room and fell on my bed. I took out my phone and saw that I did not get a reply from Jimin. I just sigh and went in to take a hot shower.

In the shower, my head was filled with unwanted thoughts like-

'What does Hoseok mean by he likes me?'

'Why me?'

'I did my best not to freak out and maintain my cool girl image'

'I was screaming on the inside when he confessed'

'And what about Jimin? Why was he acting weird today?'

'Why did he not reply to my text'

'Ahh hell'

I got out of the shower, put my clothes on and headed to the study table. I pulled out my Diary from my backpack and started writing.

Dear Diary,
I am totally lost, this week has been quite eventful I would say, I found Jimin crying in the bus stop on Sunday night and the next day I found out he cuts and I freaked out. I mean everyone has problems in life, Cutting is not the solution so I yelled at him and made him promise that he would not do it again. We then bunked school and went to our secret hideout. It really is a beautiful place with a small lake. We kinda had a sketch date or rather call it a picnic there last week. So, yeah we were having a fun time I kind of opened up about my past hoping that he would open up too so that he doesn't have to go through a hard time alone. He was going to say something and then boom we were interrupted by the rain. I could not continue the conversation cuz... Idk it felt weird. I just gave him some space so that he can talk about it whenever he feels comfortable. And today, I kind of wanted to hang out with him cuz he looked disturbed. Like something was on his mind that he could not stop thinking about. I wanted to give him company as I was scared that he would cut again or do worse. But... He refused to hang out with me. I was worried about him and his attitude. I was about to go after him when Hoseok asked me to hangout out of the blue, I agreed and we went to the library to study, I was upset at first he had been avoiding me the whole week and now he is asking me to hangout?! I thought. AND... I was taken back by his sudden confession, I was mute. I did not see him as anything other than a friend. He was acting sad when I tried to friendzone him. I had no other option I had to give him a chance as he is the first person to befriend with me when I came here. So, I guess I have a boyfriend for a week? To be honest I am not that excited... I feel bad for saying this but I do not have any feelings for him and I don't see him that way. Well, I'll reject him after this week ends... So, That is it for the week.

Hey ppl!! Hope you like this chapter.. More intresting stuff are gonna happen in the chapters ahead so stay tuned...😁

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