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Y/N's POV (The Next day)

Returning to my room, I jumped on my bed feeling exhausted.
It has not been easy to mask a personality towards every person who tried to approach me since morning. The incident got me having trust issues with everyone.

On the bus ride back to the campus I could feel Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok glance at me from three directions. It looked like they fought, all the three were sitting in different corners of the bus.

On the other hand, Inha tried talking to me but soon grew annoyed by my short replies. She constantly kept asking me what's wrong with me and did something happen.

But I just shrugged off her questions saying 'It was nothing' or 'I am just tired' She knew me well to clearly see through me and figured something is bothering me. I kept on giving her a cold shoulder because I did not know how should I treat her anymore.

I flinched out of my thoughts when
"I'm going to get lunch! TEXT ME IF YOU WANT SOMETHING!" Inha yelled from the hall before I heard a loud thud of the main door closing.

"Wow..." I murmured not knowing how long this is going be like this.

"An Accident while hanging out..." I huffed staring at the ceiling. "He could have come up with a more believable lie if he really wanted to lie."

"Why can't they just tell me the truth!" I whined while punching my pillow and started jumping up and down the bed cursing.

After a few minutes of taking my frustration out on my pillow I came I realized I haven't talked to dad in a while...

I quickly jumped out of my bed and rushed towards my backpack hanging behind my bedroom door. Sliding my hands inside I pulled my phone out.

I dialed his number and placed my phone in my ear waiting for him to answer the call. As the caller tune was ringing my heart was beating like crazy. Curiosity and anxiety were eating me up.

He finally picked up my call
"Hello Honey!" He answered. Hearing his voice it stroke me, how could he not feel apologetic or guilty when he's talking to me, like is it easy to hide my past from me for years and act like nothing happened.

"Hey, Dad." I faked my excitement.

"I was about to call you! How was your camp? You were supposed to return this morning right?" He asked. I replied to him with a humm signing it went well.

"It's really unusual for you to call first! Is everything alright?" He asked worried as I rarely call him. He would be the one who would call to ask how I was doing and if I was taking my medicines on time.

"Yea dad everything's alright... The camp was great, I got to know a lot of things I didn't know I needed to know." I replied with pure sarcasm which he didn't seem to notice.

"Oh.. that's great dear!" He said.

"So, How have you been doing?" I asked taking the conversation forward.

The conversation went on with the normal parent-child conversations and nagging.

After a while, I decided to bring up the topic,
"Dad, can I ask you something?" I asked in a serious tone.

"Yeah go on!" He replied as I could hear him flipping pages while on the call.

"About the accident that happened three years ago-" I was cut off.

"Yeah? What about that accident? Does it hurt? You want me to place an appointment with the neurologist?" He went hyper. Now it looked more suspicious... It looks like there is something that happened, and everyone is afraid that I'll find out.

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