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"Y/n-ah wake up!" Jimin yelled shaking Y/n's motionless body covered with blood lying on the stretcher in front of him.

"Jimin... calm down, we are almost there." His mom, sitting beside him tried to calm him down.

He was holding her hand tight and looking at her face which was slowly turning pale as the ambulance was getting closer to the hospital.

Finally, the ambulance came to a halt and they rushed her into the hospital's ER.

He was running while pushing the wheeled stretcher with the doctors who were checking up on her pulse and giving her emergency CPR.

"Y/N-ah! You have to wake up! You can't do this to me again!" He yelled as the nurse held him from running further into the check up room.

After walking to and fro the same place he finally crashed onto the nearest wall and leaned on it while staring at his hands covered with her blood. He slowly slid down and sat on the ground with his elbows on his knees and head hanging low.

He was trying his best to hold his tears back and have faith in the surgery.

"JIMIN-ah?" He heard someone call and shot up his head to find Aera in a distance.

She ran towards him and pulled him into her embrace and slowly Jimin broke down into tears.

"Aera-yah... What... what do I do?" He managed to speak while choking in his tears.

"It's alright, it'll be alright!" She said as she held him tight and creased his back while trying to be strong for him.

"Why does she have to do that?!" He kept repeating in between his sobs.

"Why doesn't she put herself first? Last time an abuse now a bullet?!" He spoke pulling away and thinking of all the worst instances that can happen.

"It's alright! It was her choice to do that! I'm sure she's gonna be fine!" She rubbed his shoulder trying her best to comfort him.

"What do you mean... I mean... how do you know? What if-"

"Shh.." She cut him off by pulling him closer to her again and giving him a warm hug to comfort him.


I was running past each one of the operation theaters after peeping in and out to see who is sitting outside when I suddenly paused as I saw two familiar figures.

It was Jimin and Aera. It looked like he was weeping hard and she was trying her best to comfort him. His clothes and hands were covered with bloodstains and his face was red like a tomato.

I decided to leave them alone and let him calm down. I was wandering around searching for Yoongi Hyung to ask how's her condition but halted when

"Ms Inha, we know even you are in shock but please speak! That's how we know what exactly happened." I heard a stern voice order from one of the emergency ward beds.

I got closer to the curtain and aggressively slid the curtain to the side.

I got to see a site of Inha sitting on one of the bed's edge with bandages wrapped around her leg and people who looked like cops question her.

And to my surprise, one of them was Jimin's mom.

"Oh... Hoseok-ah!" Ms Park greeted me as soon as she saw me.

"Hello, Ms Park... But what's happening here?" The site was very perplexing.

"Let's leave her alone for her to calm down." Ms Park whispered to the cop beside her to which he agreed.

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