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It belonged to someone named Park Jimin.

I searched for more details but could not find any... I then turned around and headed to my locker along with it. 

'I'll go to the main reception and hand it over to them after the lecture ends.' I thought as I placed it in my locked and grabbed my books for the first lecture.


The first lecture had got over and I had an hour left till the next lecture starts.

I headed to the main reception of the Uni. I assumed that it belonged to someone who studies here cause I found inside the campus.

"Hello, How can I help you?" The receptionist consulted me.

"Hello, I just wanted to know if a student called Park Jimin studies here," I asked the receptionist.

"Park Jimin." She repeated as she searched through her register.

"Ah.. yeah he is a student in the thirteenth department." She replied.

"Oh... I actually found this inside the campus, I just wanted to return it..." I smiled as I explained it to her.

"It seemed personal so how do I return..." I added.

"Oh... Wait I'll contact his department and tell them to call him down. You can go there and return it to him. What is your name?" She asked me as she picked up the telephone to dial the number.

"Y/n," I replied.

I left the main reception and my eyes were searching for the tenth block. There were about fourteen to fifteen identical buildings for different majors.

Mine was the fifth block so it was not hard for me to find it. 

My eyes finally spotted a building with a big 10 written in the entrance.

I quickly held the cylindrical container tighter and went inside the building. I headed in and found the reception desk the receptionist 

"You must be Y/n right?" He asked with a smile. 'The staff here are really kind and friendly compared to the people back in the US' I thought.

"Yes sir." I returned the smile.

"I contacted him, he must be out any minute just wait here." He explained to me.

"Oh... okay then." 

I stood there waiting for him patiently. I don't know why, but I was inquisitive who he was. I am normally not the type to eagerly simp or crush over guys but I don't know his name seemed catchy... I guess

I then heard someone walk towards the reception. 

He was wearing an olive coloured hoodie and a pair of black jeans as a backpack slung down his left shoulder.

The receptionist greeted him and explained him pointing at me, they seemed to be close. I quickly headed towards them.

As he turned around and the second our eyes met his happy expression turned into a shocked one. He stated at me with wide eyes for a few seconds like that without uttering a word and then... It felt weird so I started the conversation...

"Hey, are you Jimin?" I asked to confirm.

"Ye-yeah..." He stammered still shook.

"Ah... I found this in this middle of the pathway inside the campus with your name on it's name tag... I wanted to return it." I handed it to him. He was still staring at me in shook. 

'Why am I being this nice? My plan was to crack open his skull...' I thought not able to control my mind.

"Oh... Thank... thank you.." He shuttered again as he took his container. He was a  half foot taller than me and had a well toned body. But his facial features were just opposite of his body, he had a small face with pulp lips. But damn he is attractive...

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