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A year later

After all the things I have gone through, if I have learned something, it is the fact that if something, is meant to be it'll come to you no matter what the circumstances. And most importantly, it'll come to you when you least expect it.

Finally, after a year- A dress, dim lights, loud music and a crowd of people did not make me uncomfortable anymore. Or is it because this time the party is held in a familiar place that I call my second home.

"Noona can you get me a glass of soda?" Jungkookie interrupted, while squatting on the couch with a group of his friends totally immersed into the video game.

"Go and get it yourself!" I replied.

"Noona please! I don't wanna lose this match!-"

"Yah go right!" He yelled at his friend gripped his controller tighter while leaning side to side as the video goes on.

I let out a sign before heading in. On my way in I saw Tae and Aera lost in their own world while staring at eachother form a distance. The past few day I noticed some uncomfortable tension between the two.

"Have some guts gurl!" I whispered to Aera while walking past her.

I was standing near the drinks counter pouring a glass of soda when I felt someone come and stand near me.

"Hey!" It was a guy with blonde hair.

"Hey." I greeted back. It was Jin Oppa's party so, I assumed he must be one of his guests.

"Aren't you Jin's little sister?" He asked me while pouring himself a glass as well.

"Yeah, you can say so, but not a biological one." I was about to walk away when he passed a comment.

"That's great then! I won't have to fear Jin. Can I have your number?" He smirked in excitement leaning in.

"Umm, I'm sorry?" I replied, confused.

"Oh right sorry! I'm Julien! and you are?" He asked, striking his hand out for a handshake.

"I think you got a wrong id-" I paused when I felt someone place a coat over my exposed shoulders.

"Sorry, babe I'm late!" He said, before pecking my cheek. Without a doubt, it was Jimin.

"It's alright." I turned to his side smiling and was going to reply to the blond guy when.

"Oh, and you, as you can see she already has a loving boyfriend you can go and try your luck on some other chick." He spoke before I could.

He got near and whispered into his ear. "Just do your homework on whether they are single as well as if have a sibling before trying to hit on them... Julien."

He tapped his shoulder while smirking.

He stared at both of us for a second and walked away after apologising.

"Yah! You didn't have to scare him like that. Even I was going to give him a reality check." I playfully smacked his shoulder.

"Whatever, Let's get out of here. I don't want other guys staring at my girl." He replied, squinting his eyes looking around.

"Let them live." I let out a chuckle and wrapped my hands around his arm.

"I'm craving ice cream." I whined, pouting.

"Same!" He looked at me, widening his eyes.

"Are we telepathic or something?" He asked, playing along.

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