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A week passed by, I somehow learnt survived without Dad in this new environment. Yet it is lonely living alone, I cry myself to sleep once in a while. 

At school, it feels like Jimin and I switched souls of late. He is all cheerful and not cold to me anymore, maybe the saying 'Introverts are hidden extroverts, you just have to find that inside them.' is right. (A/n: I just made that up ;p) and I am the quiet one now.

It's Friday morning and I was sitting on my seat, wearing my headphones listening to music and flipping through my novel.
"Morning Y/n!" Hoseok said as he said, sitting in his seat.

"Heyy" I said with a fake smile. He has been not been hanging out me the past week, He said had plans whenever I asked him to hang out. So was I kind of irritated. Well, I am used to be the left out one, so yeah I got over it quickly.

"Y/n!" I heard someone interrupting me.

"Huh?" I pulled my headphone down and glancing al the owner of the voice, It was Jimin sitting beside me.

"When did you come?" I asked him as I closed my novel.

"What are you doing that you did not even realise that someone came and sat beside you?" He asked staring at me while unzipping his bag.

"Uh? What? Nothing.." I said, faking a laugh trying not to be suspicious.

"Are you alright? You seem to be down these days..." He said looking at me with his bloodshot eyes.

"Yeah, Why wouldn't I be?" I said nervously.

"Alright... If you say so." He gave me a judgy glare.

"Ahh Y/n, are you free today after school?" He added.

"Yeah, why?" I asked him.

"Let's hang out, Just grab your sketchbook and some pencils and meet me in the park near your house." He said.

"Sketchbook? Why?" I asked tilting my head.

"You'll see." He said smirking as the teacher entered the class.
The day went by finally, the last bell rang and all the students rushed out of. I was walking through the hallway, suddenly I felt my phone vibrate.

Honey, I think you should spend this weekend with your aunt and cousin.

Y/n, I know you hate it there. But try to befriend with them. They are nice when you get to know them. I just don't want you to be lonely at home the whole weekend.

I signed reading the text.

Okay dad.

I hate it there, it really feels hell there. They make me work like a slave every time I visit them. Dad does not believe me if I tell him the truth. He would reply 'Y/n! that's not true, why would they make you do something like that? We are family!'. I had no other choice as they are the only family left except dad.

"So yeah, basically my weekend is ruined." I murmured as I got into the bus to head home.

I reached the park just in time, Jimin was at the entrance of the park with a backpack, scrolling through his phone.

"Jimin!" I yelled running towards him.

"Heyy," He said looking at my direction.

"So, why did you ask me to bring my sketchbook and where are we going?" I almost rapped the last past breathing heavily. I was really looking forward to it as it was my first time to do art with someone.

Open Up! | Jimin ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon