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~Friday morning~


I got up thinking it was the day to finally reject Hoseok and tell him that I did not develop feelings for him even after all this. I know it sounds rude but... It is what it is.

I quickly got up not wanting to be late.


I opened my front door in a rush out while swinging my backpack.

"Oh god... Slow down women!" Someone commented, as I was colsing the door. I turned around in shock and found Jimin standing behind me.

"Jimin? What are you doing here-" I slipped while I was squeezing my leg into my shoe. Thankfully he caught my wrist right in time which made me lean towards his direction.

"You okay?" He asked and I stood up straight.

"Yeah." I said twisting my ankle.

"Good then." He smiled at me. It was a rare site- jimin smiling in the morning. Something happened in my stomach seeing him smile at me.

"If I would have said no, would you give me a piggy back ride to school?" I chuckled awkwardly while walking further.

"Maybe..." He was walking behind me.

"I just missed a chance to get to school without walking," I said pouting.

He chuckled catching up to my pace and suddenly linked our arms.

I did not mind it but I was curious what's up with him today...

"By the way why were you outside my house?" I asked becoming comfortable.

"Just did not feel like walking to school alone." He replied. That's... Unusual.

"And what's up with you being clingy? Don't you hate skinship?" I  questioned him out of curiosity.

"Just because... If you don't like it-" He said loosening his grip on my arm.

I quickly gripped his arm "I'm just asking..." I replied looking at him.
He smiled at me and happily started walking.

We reached school and the classes went by... I was waiting for the right moment to talk to Hoseok but he did not even seem to glance at me, on the other hand, Jimin was talking to me like it was our last day with each other.

Hoseok ran off to play basketball the whole lunch break, I don't think, he even had his lunch.

It was so frustrating, I wanted to clear it up the mess and now he is acting this way. I even heard that the past few days Hoseok came home and headed directly to his room. He did not talk to anyone and had been skipping his meal a lot.

'Did I make it obvious that I was uninterested?' I thought

The next period was P.E. All the students rushed down to the ground in excitement.

Everyone was roaming around till the teacher came. Hoseok was stretching when Jimin, Tae and I were laughing at something. I could feel Hoseok's stare towards me but as soon as I looked over him he looked away and started pretending to have a conversation with the students standing near him. That was weird.

The boys were playing football and the girls could sit in the bleachers and watch the game.

I was sitting in the bench watching them play or rather I would say watching someone in a particular play. I was taken aback by Jimin's football skills. He really was very good at it, I wonder why doesn't he play for the school team.

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