|~|Kai Chisaki; A-Z Fluff Headcanons|~|

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Kai Chisaki

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!

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A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

We all know Overhaul isn't a very touchy, feely kind of guy. Usually on a good day your presence is enough. Though on stressful days he tends to have you read him a book, wanting to head your voice so he can calm down and do his work. Though on bad days expect him ranting and venting to you.

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

•Overhaul is someone who would look for your mindset, your personality. He would find your personality unique and beautiful in its own way. Though, he tends to look into your eyes a lot. He loves when you look at him with such passion, it keeps him going.

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

•Again, Overhaul is far from a physical comforter. If you were feeling down he would make time for you in his busy schedule to read you something or talk with you about something to calm you down or cheer you up. He'd probably even let you go to some of the other members, like Chronostasis or Nemoto. If you were having a panic attack expect a fucking scene. He'd get pissed quickly and immediately start barking at whoever first caught his eye to get to who or what triggered you. He would force everyone to give you space and would give you anything you needed to calm down. Comfort cuddles are out of the question though... unless he's drunk but he's probably never going to be.

D-reams {How do they picture their future with their s/o?}

•His main goal is to rid the world of quirks and everyone he fits 'sick'. He sees you ruling Japan, maybe even the world, along side him to keep the filth at bay. Though there won't be any biological children, unless he for some reason agrees to a medical procedure, he probably wouldn't be much help with a baby anyway. Pets? No. Expect a life of distanced affection to a husband.

E-qual {Are they the dominant once of the relationship? Or rather passive?}

•Dominant, definitely. He is a man that will take charge and will make most, if not all, of the decisions. He'll occasionally ask your opinion if he seems fit for it, though he will tell you when and where to be, how to do it, and so on so forth. Though he will listen to you if you make a suggestion or want to talk to him about how possessive he can be. Just give him the word and he'll listen... unless he things what your saying is stupid. He'll throw it out the window. But most of the time he'll take your feeling into consideration as long as you vocalize them.

F-ight {Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?}

•It definitely depends on the situation. You have the petty arguments, you have miscommunication arguments, you have the big arguments, and the full on war. For petty arguments he may start them, though apologize for his actions. For the miscommunication, he will get frustrated if you are the one with the problem then tell you off. He'll forgive you once he figures out what to do with the information and redo his entire schedule. Though he he does it he expects you to understand immediately, resulting in a bit more anger on his side though he'll forgive you more quickly and apologize. Now, here's the big part-big arguments. Big arguments can be bad, he can try his best to be calm but it can escalate if you say the wrong words. He will yell, and would probably shut you out until he cools off for a few hours to a few days. Wars... oh boy. Expect more yelling, more anger, and even if he's mad enough he fight grab your cheeks and shut you up. Though if it's a terrible war he might threaten you, taking his gloves off to seal the deal. Expect to be kept either far apart for a while, the minimal being a few days, the max being a few months. Though, no matter what, in the end he would never hurt you and would always apologize.

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