|~|Villian!Hitoshi Shinso x Reader|~|

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No Escape

Kidnapping, Slight Swearing

\Requested By\
XX.JUNKO.XX on Amino


Why would someone like you be here? Perhaps for selfish reasons? A quest? A mission? Or maybe even curiosity?

You didn't know so much about that, but here you were.

There had been a large amount of heroes and pedestrians missing. No one had a lead or even a suspect. But you did.

You held your hood close to your cheeks, forcing the cold away. It wasn't comfortable but it was warm. It was better than nothing.

You shoved your worries away. You were there. It was the less populated part of the city, where villains decided to play.

One breath made you relax enough for you to continue forward. It was like you were dragging weights by your ankles.

You carefully watched your surroundings. You couldn't be too careful in a place like this.

You turned into an alley in silence. Walking deeper into its mouth, you felt colder. Like crystal eyes were staring through your soul.

You took a deep breath. But someone chuckled as you did.

You whipped around in fear. Who was it? Was it the one you were looking for? Or someone else?

You grabbed your knife that was in your jacket and continued to look around. "Who's there?"

"Do you expect an honest answer?" Said a voice.

You couldn't tell where it was coming from. You couldn't keep your back turned away from one direction for long, the feeling of eyes burning into your head only growing stronger the longer you did.

You whipped around at the sound of something falling. If this was the person you were looking for you were careful. You knew his quirk.

The anonymous person chuckled again. "So," they said. "You know who I am? Why even ask at all?"

He answered your question without realizing. Or maybe he was answering in a way to try and control you?

You huffed. You heard something behind you, causing you to whip around.

Your shoulders were grabbed roughly, making you rip your knife from your pocket and try to stab the attacker.

The attacker jumped back just in time. They chuckled, looking at the knife with a smile. They looked you in the eyes with their smile even larger.

The stranger clicked their tongue and chuckled. "You really think you'll get a villain with a blade like that?"

You glared at him. You can't answer.

The boy stepped closer so you could see him better. His messy purple hair seemed unkept. He looked tired with pale eyes and bags lying beneath them. He had a smirk that spoke of mischief.

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