|~|Enji Todoroki x Lost!Abandonded!Child!Reader|~|

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Looking For A Flame Of Hope

Abandonment, Homelessness

\Requested By\

Enji Todoroki

Enji didn't expect to feel that tug on his uniform that day. He didn't expect a small child only to the height of his knee. He didn't expect to see a child in such poor clothing and it be too small for you. Enji didn't expect anything like you.

Enji had walked down the street after he was told about a child beggar who was harassing people. At least that's how he saw it. He thought this call would be a kid who just wanted money and was causing trouble. And when he saw the man running his fish store calling him over, he expected a teenager with the look on his face.

"This child keeps begging me for fish!" The man complained. "I tell the kid no each time, but they just keep asking!"

Enji rose his hands, as if trying to defuse his anger. Though it was no use, it was gas to a flame. "Calm down, sir," he still wasn't used to actually being nice. "What did the child look like?"

The old man thought for a minute and tapped his chin. "Well," he looked at the sky as if the child would fall from it. "They were yay big," he lowered his arm to the child's height. "And looked pretty dirty! And their outfit was pretty small. But it's probably all just an act! I want them gone!"

Enji sighed. "Sir, a lot of children are that tall. I need a detailed-"

"THERE THEY GO!" The man suddenly yelled, pointing behind Enji. He turned around to get a glance of a small shape.

Enji sighed, thinking that the child was running from their crime. He calmed the man down and went to find the child, however expected it to be hard with how small they actually were. Why would a child so small be harassing so many shop owners?

As he was thinking, he didn't hear your voice.

"S-Sir! Down here! En-eavor!"

Enji didn't hear it, but he sure felt your small hands give a rough tug. He turned around quickly, ready to attack if he was jumped. However he saw you.

You held his costume and shook in your-well in your skin. You had no shoes, and no socks. Enji wasn't able to speak before you did. You couldn't exactly say your 'd's correctly, and not your 's's or 'f's either.

"E-Excuse me, sir," you said shyly, frowning with the look Enji gave. He tried to make it softer, remembering what Keigo has said. But it seemed to make it worse. "I-I just want some change! Do you have any? I want to buy a fish!"

Enji tilted his head slightly. "A fish?" Of course a fish, he thought. They've been asking all the fish shops! "Where are your parents?"

You blinked up at him, seeming to not understand what he asked. "Pardon?"

Enji's eye twitched a little. He didn't have the patience for this, but something made him stay. He turned around completely and bent down to your level, looking at you eye to eye. "Where are your parents? Your mother and father?"

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