|~|Kurogiri x LOVMember!Reader|~|

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Scented Candles

Pretend the timeline makes sense!

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✨🎶Features Music Above🎶✨


The sweet smell of vanilla and lavender seemed to engrave themselves into the sheets, never leaving. You didn't mind, knowing Kurogiri made them smell like this to help you fall asleep faster. He had read that lavender and vanilla are calming scents, so of course he always puts it in your sheets. Though, if you ever get tired of it or don't like it anymore, he always seemed to find another scent you could smell.

It was Saturday morning, the sound of quiet movement and soft chatter could be heard beyond your door. You knew Kurogiri was awake, he was always the first one. He had the sleep span of a grandpa-goes to bed once everything's done then wake up before the sun and repeat. You didn't know how much sleep he got nightly, or at all, but you figured probably not a lot.

You always found his selflessness odd, he was a villain, of course! Though he always put himself into other's way of danger with himself. Most of the time it was Tomura, given that he is his protector. Though, he's done the same to the others-and you.

You and the warped villain had become an odd pair of friends. Over the course of the seven months that the League's been together it seemed to be never ending chatter, a few jokes {of course you say them instead of him, he's terrible at them but he does chuckle sometimes!}, and even personal moments.

You found him odd in several ways, his emotions seemed almost nonexistent, his actions strange, and even the way he talks suspicious. You wondered who he was without his quirk, he has a physical body and head, you knew that. You wondered what he had gone through to be here. You wondered sometimes if he was something else...

A knock on the door shook you from your thoughts, making you look towards the door. "Yes?" You called, yawning a bit and sitting up.

"{Y/N} {L/N}," called the familiar voice. "The breakfast is ready, and today is a small meeting."

You groaned. You had forgotten all about the meeting! And, frankly, you didn't want to go. It was just a stupid meeting with the rest of the League about the next mission and yadda yadda blah blah blah... Kurogiri had already told you about the plan, since he talks with Tomura about it.

It would suck if you were a traitor to the League, though luckily you weren't. But that kinda made a few League members annoyed by the fact that Kurogiri told you everything.

"I'll be there in a second," you called, stretching your arms up and to the sides. The stiffness of your bones and soreness of your muscles made another groan escape from your lips. This sucked.

"I will see you soon," he called through the door, his footsteps quietly making their way down the hall to the next League member's room. You think it was Dabi or Himiko down that side.

You sighed softly and threw your legs over the side of the bed, getting up and grabbing what clean clothes you had. You hardly had any clothes to begin with, hell everyone did, though that was fine.

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