|~|Izuku Midoriya x Shy!Chubby!Reader|~|

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Body Doesn't Mean You Can't Be A Hero

Body Insecurity

\Requested By\


You looked to the side for a moment, listening to Aizawa. You were distracted today. Just like yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. Why? Because you were in UA! Where everyone is fit, ready to go, and well... you were a bit chubby.

But you didn't mind! You liked being yourself, but you often wondered if others in your class did. It was habit, you always wondered what others thought. But no matter! Because you were you!

At least, that's what you like to tell in your head.

"Don't forget about the training test tomorrow," Aizawa said, catching your ears. "It's the usual, but with a surprise at the end. So be prepared and wear your gym uniform to class tomorrow. You are dismissed."

You whined a little. Oh no, you thought. I'm going to embarrass myself! What will I do?


You looked up to the call of your name to see Izuku walk over happily. You smiled softly at the boy, a little nervous. You knew Ochaco liked him, but so did you! So it got a little awkward sometimes. Plus, you though he would want Ochaco more than you.

"Hey, Izuku!" You smiled at him. "What's up? Do you need anything?"

Izuku nervously nodded. You noticed is hero notebook in his hands. "A-Actually yeah! I think I've gotten almost everyone's quirks in my notebook, but I actually don't have yours! I don't think I even know what it is!"

You nervously looked to the side. "Oh," it wasn't bad, but you thought it would be something else. "Well, what would you like to know?" You gathered your things and walked out of the classroom with Izuku, who was now smiling brightly.

He was like a three year old, happy and bouncing in place. "Everything! You don't have to be REALLY detailed if you don't want to, but the more the better!"

You giggled a little and walked to your locker. You grabbed your things and smiled. "How about we do this at the dorms? We can get out of these uniforms and get into comfortable clothes that way!"

Izuku nodded. "Yeah! It sounds like a plan!"

Seeing Izuku so happy made your heart leap. Seeing him other than sad always made your heart leap. And you had only been going to school for two months.

Now out of the building, you noticed how the clouds seemed to look over UA like giants, dark and gloomy. A flash of light erupted from a distance, making you and Izuku both look at each other.

"We gotta hurry if we don't want to be caught in the rain!" Izuku said, already ready to run a marathon in order to prevent getting wet.

You frowned a little. "I-I don't know, I'm not very athletic!" You didn't want to trip and bust your face on the ground in front of him. It be so slow he would laugh or chuckle! And you definitely didn't want to have him see how you run!

Izuku smiled and took your arm, making your eyes widen and your heart skip a beat. "Don't worry then!" He said happily. "We'll jog in the rain together! And if we get soaked, we'll be soaked together!"

You relaxed at how kind he was. You felt like you wanted to cry with how kind he was!

He put his notebook in his backpack and then placed it back on his back. He then took your arm again, smiling and began to jog arm-in-arm with you.

It was a little awkward jogging like that, but Izuku was determined to have a fair jog together. Whenever you slowed, he slowed. Whenever you sped up, he sped up. Whenever you stopped, he stopped.

You were happy to have a friend like Izuku, someone to kind and selfless. Soon you both felt the sprinkles of rain fall on you both and you were half way there.

Izuku took his jacket off and put it on your head, smiling. "There!" He said. "It will get soaked but it will help a little!"

"What about you?" You asked, the both of you now walking. "Do you need my jacket?"

He shook his head. "I'm alright, I promise. And I see the way you look at yourself, (Y/N)," he frowned a little, serious. "I don't know what you think, but just so you know no matter your size, you can always be a hero!"

Your heart swelled. You lit up at those words. He just said that! He really just said that!

"I mean, Fatgum is a very much loved hero! Everyone has different body shapes, forms, and appearances, but no matter what," he gave you a side hug. "A hero is a hero."

The rain began to drizzle, begging heavier subtly. You began to cry tears of joy, or maybe it was the rain. But you were over joyed to finally have those words come from someone else.

Izuku tried to keep you dry though it didn't last long. The both of you jogged but by then it was heavy rain. And the entire way you kept saying two words, "Thank you!"

Once you both found yourselves in the dorms, you were both soaked and shivering. Iida became worried and ordered for towels, warm rags, and warm clean clothes for you both.

You and Izuku giggled and laughed, looking at each other. Laughing at the rain, maybe. Laughing at the fun of the joy you both had in the rain. Or maybe laughing away everyone who thought different of you both.

Once you both were dried, warm, and comfortable, you both sat in the lobby sofa with smiles. Izuku would ask questions about your quirk, you would answer and explain.

You couldn't help but feel as though you belonged in UA now, more than ever. Because you have amazing friends, an amazing upcoming career, and the best of all, an amazing body.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Meyly on ZeroChan.net

Music Credit:

Published On:
August 26, 2020

{Author's Note}

{Sorry that this one wasn't very good! I'm trying to throw as many requests as I can at your faces so I can keep you all happy!}

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