|~|Hero!Tenya Iida x Villain!Yuga Aoyama|~|

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Sparkled Danger


\Requested By\

Tenya Iida

Iida was silent as he watched the ocean waves. Just to think, years ago this beach was trashed with a large amount of garbage. He smiled a little, missing his many years he went to UA. His friends, his adventures, everything. Most of all, he missed Aoyama.

He frowned softly, remembering the day Aoyama quit UA. No one had expected it, it was sudden. Perhaps he didn't want to be a hero anymore? Or did he think it was too much work?

Iida sighed and ran a hand through his hair as he thought. He had never told anyone, not even his brother, that he liked men. And he didn't exactly know himself until Aoyama left that day. The amount of pain he felt was unbearable, and at first he thought it was just the pain of losing a friend. But months went by and he finally realized.

Iida looked out across the waves with a frown. He heard of a new villain, with a sparkling reputation. And it hurt Iida. Because he knew who it was, his first and last crush. Or perhaps it's not a crush, perhaps it's more?

Iida looked away and walked through the sand up to the road. He figured he would need to head home before he started work.

The morning was bright and colorful. The birds were singing, people were talking, and vehicles were moving along. Iida greeted some fans once they recognized him, and even greeted the heroes patrolling the area.

Iida took a deep breath as he made it to his home. He walked inside calmly and immediately went to his room. He had bought his childhood home, now the onto resident inside. He hoped to have a family in he future, yet he doubted he would.

He gathered his uniform, and put it on in silence. He was quiet as he soon walked to the TV and turned on the news, wanting to see if anything had popped up about the new 'Sparkled Danger'.

Iida found Aoyama no threat, he loved glitter and that itself make himself look to be no threat. And other than that, he pretty much was. The Sparkled Danger mostly stole jewels from the jewelry shop, and would only fight once cornered.

He hummed as he listened to the reporter talk about the morning news. But it suddenly turned to the emergency broadcast, catching Iida's eye.

"Breaking news!" The reported exclaimed. "The Sparkled Danger is on the movie in an active robbery! He was seen entering the local jewelry shop by himself, and is not surrounded by the police and are waiting for-"

Iida didn't even have to hear the rest, he ran out of the door with his engines straight to the shop to catch Aoyama. He wanted him to stop, knowing he was better than this.

As the news had stated, the shop was surrounded by many policemen. Once they saw Iida the chief ran over to meet him. He didn't even have to say a thing before Iida spoke.

"Good evening, sir! Is this villain holding any hostages?" He asked quickly. He didn't want to rush in if Aoyama had hostages. Though he knew deep down that Aoyama wouldn't hurt anyone, or so he hoped.

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