|~| Shoto Todoroki x Reader |~|

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Kinda Witchy

You Have The Powers Of Scarlet Witch {Marvel}

\Requested By\


You took a deep breath as you focused. You looked at the items across the training field and took yet another breath. I can do this.

You lifted your hand, and with it a few pieces of equipment followed. You smiled in glee, but you lost control and the equipment came right at you or just fell. You yelped and fell to the ground to avoid the objects.

After everything was over with, you sighed and buried your face into your arms. Recently your quirk has been 'malfunctioning' as you would call it. Ever since you fell for the boy Shoto Todoroki.

All you could think about was Shoto. How he would lean over your shoulder, his warm breath on your ear as he helped you study. The way he spoke to you as he leaned onto your shoulder from tiredness. The way he protected you and the way he looked at you.

You hadn't realized your face was painted with a light pink hue across your cheeks. Just the thought of Shoto made you go crazy.


You squeaked and stumbled to your feet at the sudden voice. You whipped around to see the boy you had just been thinking about. He looked around the field, his eyes hazy with worry.

"O-Oh! Shoto, h-hey! Was I too loud?" You frowned a little, your hands behind your back as you twiddled your thumbs. You watched as he studied the field again then looked at you.

"No," he said calmly and walked over. "But I noticed you in the ground, I thought you were I injured."

You shook your head and nervously rubbed the back of your neck. "Sorry, I just was dodging some equipment," you sighed softly and looked at the ground.

Shoto looked at the equipment that laid behind you. He was silent for a moment before looking back at you. "You were training, weren't you?"

You nodded slowly. "Yes," you looked up at him. "I've been distracted so... My quirk has been messing up."

Shoto walked closer to you, seeming to study you. "That sounds concerning," he said. "Do you need to go to Recovery Girl?"

"No, no!" You defended yourself, smiling nervously. "I'm okay! I'm feeling okay, just distracted!"

"With what?" He tilted his head slightly to the side like a puppy. He looked over your face again, being thorough. He saw nervousness, and something else he couldn't pinpoint.

"With... um..." you gulped and shifted. You looked away from your friend, making the boy grow more concerned. He was slightly scared. He didn't know what you were thinking, but he hoped it was nothing bad. He hoped you weren't thinking of breaking the friendship to u both had. "With... Y-You..."

Shoto's chest tightened a little, though he didn't know why. He looked you over again. "Me? How?"

"Everything!" You suddenly blurted. "I think about everything about you! You're so perfect, so amazing... I-I really like you."

Shoto's eyes grew a little. He had no idea.

Now it was your turn to study his face, his expression. You grew nervously your quirk lifted the equipment again, even though you didn't realize. You gulped.

"I believe I like you too," Shoto have you a small and rare smile. This made your heart swell like no other.

Before you could react, he gently took your hands in his and lifted them, which lifted the equipment too. He gently kissed your head, which made your face heat up like no other. This made the equipment race towards you both.

You squeaked when Shoto pulled you down to the ground with him, avoiding the equipment. Then you laughed a little and he held you close.

"Sorry!" You laughed out. Shoto chuckled softly too, petting you softly.

"It's alright," he said calmly. "Promise."


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Blaze1213IsBlack on Fanpop.com

Music Credit:

Published On:
October 10, 2020

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