|~| Fumikage Tokoyami x Werewolf!Reader |~|

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Sneezey Bird


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The boy beside you quietly read his book, humming quietly. Dark Shadow was floating around, cleaning up a bit. The quirk did that often when he was restless and bored, nothing much else to do. You both were used to it at this point.

You had your head on the boy's chest. If you made a noise he would look down at you then nuzzle his beak into your head slightly. He tried to get behind your ears, his break acting as a small scratcher.

Though, when your nose twitched it tickled his nose. He jerked back and inhaled sharply. You looked up at him and he turned his head away, sneezing. You laughed a little, finding the way his beak shaped as he sneezed.

"Bless you," you said, ruffling his hair a bit. "You've been sneezing frequently, recently. Are you catching a cold?" You rubbed his head a bit, as if trying to calm his head.

"Perhaps," he muttered, placing his bookmark down before setting the book to the side. He sat up and laid his back against your headboard, looking at you. "Though if I did, it's small. All I've been doing is sneezing."

"Could be allergies too," you explained, sitting next to him. Dark Shadow glance over again but them went back to cleaning. "But I'm not worried."

"I never suspected you would be," he gave a soft smile, tilting his head. "Are you tired?"

You shook your head, smiling. "Nope! I'm kind of energized, you know, wolf things." You chuckled and stretched, your ears twitching a little. He watched your ears before going to feel them. You leaned into his touch.

"Revelry in the dark," Tokoyami spoke, making you playfully push him. "How about we go for a walk before curfew? We have almost an hour left, after all."

You hummed before nodding. "Yeah, that would be great! Let's go!" You jumped out of the bed, bounding over to your jacket to put on. Tokoyami got up too, grabbing his own and also his scarf.

The two of you left, Dark Shadow retesting into his abdomen for the time being. You took his hand, in which he gave a gentle squeeze to show he appreciated it. You both walked out of the dorms, starting some small talk easy.

"Imagine if half of the class fought the other half," you explained, thinking. "And two people were the captains. Who do you think would be on Iida's team if he made it?"

"Without a doubt he's pick his friends," Tokoyami explained. "Midoriya, Uraraka, then move on the the remaining."

You hummed, thinking. "And if Momo was the second Captain?"

"She'd go for strategy, I believe," he thought aloud, looking up at the stars. A cloud of cold air blew from his mouth, dissolving into the air. "Perhaps going to myself, Shoji, and I'd believe she'd choose Todoroki and Sero, both useful."

You nodded, agreeing. "And if you were a captain?" You tilted your head, studying your boyfriend curiously.

"A mix of friends and strategy," he spoke. "You and Shoji would be my first picks, next perhaps Midoriya then so on." He looked at you then smiled softly.

You leaned into him calmly, though soon after he sneezed again, this time a bit more violently. He sighed before turning his head away. You looked up at him then hummed.

"Let's go back! I can get you all warm with my fur!" You spoke, excited. You could use your werewolf form to warm almost anyone up, and it was harder to get cold in that form. Your boyfriend nervously looked at you, a bit hesitant about that idea.

"Uh, you rip your clothes if you don't take them off," he stated, tilting his head. "I don't think you should either way."

You whined a little, sighing a little soon after. "Aww... fine."


"But you still need to get warm when we get back, your cold is getting worse." He sighed and he kissed your head softly, beak moving a bit.

"Fine," he said, squeezing your hand again. "As long as you're with me."


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Manga Screenshots

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 15, 2021

Sorry it's short, I've been busy today but I wanted to spit something out before bed.

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