|~|Jin Bubaigawara; A-Z Fluffcanons|~|

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A-Z Fluff Headcanons; Jin Bubaigawara

What are A-Z fluff headcanons? Headcanons labeled under specific 'fluffy' scenarios throughout the alphabet!


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A-ctivities {What do they do with their s/o? How do they spend their free time with them?}

On most days he's willing to go outside, walk around town or go to the park or do what you want. He's up for laser tag {just keep the man close, for god's sake}, to just walking in the park. Though when he's having a bad day, cuddles and movies are the number one time waster.

B-eauty {What do they admire about their s/o? What do they think is beautiful about them?}

Every. Fucking. Thing. About. You. This man adores you, always wonders why you're with him, and can never keep himself away from you. He loves everything from the small things to large things! He loves your personality, he loves your looks, he loves how you look in your pajamas or his clothes-anything and everything he will worship. And if you don't believe it-cuddle attack.

C-omfort {How would they help their s/o when they feel down/are having a panic attack?}

•If you were sad, he would try to cheer you up with food, dessert, movies, and cuddles. He will have you talk to him, though even though he says to let it all out he still has his own triggers-panic attacks being one. If you are having a panic attack-hell breaks loose. He's panicking, running around with his head cut off and starting to get his own panic attack from his own drowning thoughts. Though, if his mind agrees with itself then he'll just hold you, calm you down, and may even cry with you.

D-reams {How do they picture their future with their s/o?}

•He's scared you'll leave him for someone better than him, like a hero or someone rich and successful. He would love to spend the rest of his life with you-even if it's short-and might even want some kids with you. {He loves kids, let it happen.} Though when he thinks to much, he sees himself alone while you have an entire family of your own. His paranoia and anxiety kind of gets in the way of his thoughts of the future with both of you, and mainly about your future.

E-qual {Are they the dominant once of the relationship? Or rather passive?}

•This man always tries to involve you in everything, whether it be a simple conversation or advice. He can be dominant at times, like when he's terrified or worried for your safety. Though he can also be passive and let you take over, though be careful you don't do it too much. Jin might just let you take over and never say a word regarding his opinions, worried you would leave him or yell at him for going against you in anyway.

F-ight {Would they be easy to forgive their s/o? How are they fighting?}

•He hates fighting you in general, period. Though it will most likely involve yours or his safety in some way. He will forgive you easily, just as long as you are safe in the end. He doesn't like to be close when you argue, he's terrified his other side might lash out-even though that would never happen, it's just his paranoia-and would never live with himself if he did something to you.

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