|~|Manga Fukidashi x Reader|~|

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Then BOOM! I fell in love!


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He was such a cute little comic boy, you always found everything he did adorable. The way he talked with such enthusiasm, the way he would wave his arms around as he talked, the way he would make his sound affects that would become reality. Manga Fukidashi may be in class 1-B, and he may be a bit childish, but that didn't stop you from spending your time with him as much as you could!

"And then he went BWUAPH! And I went in and hit him with a BAM!" Manga waved his arms around dramatically, talking happily about the dream he had last night. You were kind of like a dream journal to him, he had to tell you first thing.

You listened to him with a smile. How could you not listen to Manga when he was just so adorable? The way he talked was maybe your favorite thing about him. He always made it interesting, always talking like it was a story.

"And when I woke up I was falling off the bed! Isn't that crazy?" Manga looked at you, his little comic air bubble showing a question mark.

"Totally," you said. "That was a pretty eventful dream! Hm... I'm kinda hungry." You held your stomach, the dramatizing from Manga rubbing off on you.

"Oh! Since it's the weekend we can go out for breakfast!" He cheered. He bounced up from the bench you both had sat on in the courtyard. "We just have fill out those papers, don't we?"

You stood up and nodded. "Yeah, that's how Izuku from 1-A leaves I think." You were about to place your finger in your chin until Manga took your hand.

"Come on! No time to waste!" He called, pulling you towards the UA building. You laughed at his excitement and ran with him to the building.

Manga's childish nature was always so heartwarming! It was impossible to be sad around him, honestly. As soon as he came around everything seemed to light up. He always texted you in the morning when he got up, texted you at night before bed. He always asked how your day was, what you dreamt about, and always offered to hang out whenever you wanted! When you first met you didn't have money for food in the cafeteria, he bought your food for you and let you sit with him and his new friends!

Manga was so nice, you almost saw the sun in him. Just like that third year, Tamaki, saw in that other third year, Mirio. You often saw them too in the halls.

Manga turned back to you, bouncing. "Oh oh! What are you thinking about? I know that face! Tell me!" He was so close to you, his air bubble filled with sparkles.

You laughed and brushed it off. "Oh nothing! Come on, let's fill those papers out!"

Manga nodded and turned on his heel. "To Principal Nezu's office!" He announced, marching into the building with his head-air bubble-held high. You followed him, watching how he moved his arms like he was in a movie or something.

"You seem extra cheerful today, Manga!" You observed, seeing he was more optimistic than he usually was. "Is there something I should know?"

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