|~| Katsuki Bakugo x Blind!Reader |~|

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I See You


\Requested By\

Katsuki Bakugo

He was so quiet as he held you. His soft breathing moved some of your hair around, a result of having move of his face buried into the back of your neck. One arm was your pillow, in which you held his forearm and laid on his bicep. His other arm was wrapped around your middle, pulling you into him. He legs were tangled with yours, keeping both of you warm.

Bakugo woke up, opening an eye when you shifted. He studied you for a minute, checking if you were still sleep. Seeing that you were, he closed his eye again and exhaled through his nose.

The boy wasn't exactly one to take care of other people, hell he hated it. But you were someone different, someone worth slowing down for. Sure, his goal was to become the best, but you needed his help.

He loved you though, and that's what he hated the most. Why? Now he couldn't afford leaving for whatever reason. He couldn't afford leaving you, especially now that you only had him.

Family was out of the question, he was all you had left.

He was about to fall back asleep when you let out a whine. He reflexively rubbed your stomach in an attempt to calm you, gently kissing the back of your head. He always did this to hopefully being you back into 'reality'.

You began to wake up, in which Bakugo grumbled and kissed the back of your neck. He continued to rub your stomach, then adjusted one of his legs. You yawned and shifted. He sat up and prevented you from falling off the bed-one of his fears.

When he laid back down he buried his face into your neck then wrapped an arm around you, now rubbing your back. Legs were entangled again. You hand made its way around his head, rubbing his scalp soothingly.

He relaxed for a moment, about to fall back asleep. It was still too early in the morning, and today was a Saturday. He wanted to sleep in with you, though being blind your sleep schedule was off by several hours.

"Kat...?" You tiredly murmured, earning a tired hum of reply from the blonde. "What time is it?"

"Three in the morning," he said, adjusting his head. "Try to go to sleep, if you can't I'll set up with you." He wasn't going to let you stay up by yourself and possibly hurt yourself.

You let out a soft hum and did as instructed. You continued to play with his head did hair, which helped him relax. He rubbed circles into your back and held you against him. He loved the warmth you gave him.

You were tired, though it would be hard to fall asleep and you knew it. Bakugo knew too, but he wasn't going to let you give up.

When he first met you he didn't think you were blind, you had just bumped into him. After barking at you, asking if you were blind as an insult, he was surprised to learn that you were, indeed, blind. You don't hear that everyday.

Wether if you were born blind, or blind because of your quirk, or had grown blind over time, you've been dealing with it for a long time. Bakugo at first laid no mind to you, though over time he helped more and more. Thus resulting in the both of you getting together, and you now having an overprotective boyfriend.

He wouldn't let you go outside alone, he wouldn't let you stay home alone, fearing that you could get hurt in some way. He would often call a friend over, mostly Kirishima or Denki, to watch you while he went off to work.


Bakugo hummed out in response, half listening. He was about to fall asleep at this point. He had a long day yesterday, he wanted the sleep.

"Do you... Do you think I'm a bother?"

Bakugo opened an eye, studying your features. He soaked in what little parts of your face he could see in the dark. He then let out a long sigh and adjusted his grip on you. He placed a hand on your hip and his other wrapping around your head. He kissed your chin, jawline, cheek, head, then pecked your lips

"Just shut up and let me take care of you, babe," he muttered, not going to answer your question. Sometimes he did think that, he couldn't lie. Though he loved you, even though he regretted it sometimes too, and he was going to help you. "Can you not sleep?"

You were silent for a minute. You had stopped rubbing his head and was now blankly staring off. Though he knew you were just thinking, he had grown to understand your body, your actions more specifically, better than anything. It was key to pay attention to your body language when you were blind.

He sighed and pecked your lips. "What do you want for breakfast?" He questioned tiredly, ready to get up and help you get ready for the day.

You smiled a little, though it was hesitant. He noticed this but didn't say anything, already knowing what was on your mind.

You knew you were a bother to Bakugo, but he wasn't going to acknowledge his toxic emotions. He was trying to be better, trying to be more understanding. His old self would tell you to fuck off, tell you to do something insane and inhumanly.

But ever since he met you he wanted to protect you, that was the strongest thing he felt. He was going to protect you, no matter what he might think sometimes.

He tries to put himself in your shoes. He tries to see you as you, see you as his future. Sometimes it was hard, he couldn't lie. But after so much thinking he knew what he really wanted.

He wanted you. And he was going to protect you no matter what.


Word Count:

Artist Credit:
Manga Screenshot

Music Credit:

Published On:
January 13, 2021

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