Chapter 7: The library

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April wakes up in the morning, feeling calm and happy. Finally a good night after all of these days. Moreover, her throat doesn't hurt anymore and the marks on her neck seem to be almost invisible. She stretches in her bed, after letting out a heavy but satisfied breath. She gets up, feeling fit, and gets dressed on for the day. She puts her books and other affairs she would need in her bag. She opens her window and looks outside to the view on Monsters University. She smiles as she sees that it's a bright and sunny day. She then notices down on a corner in the academy's court, there was Mike with his fraternity team in front of a building. And Mike is sort of standing in front of all of them, except Sulley who was standing clutched against a tree. 

"They're probably practicing.", she tells herself, shrugging. 

She then marches back inside her room, letting the window open to let some fresh air and then brushes her hair and her teeth. She puts her headphones around her neck, which are attached to her walker, ready to leave. 

"Attention to all of Monsters University!", the voice of the vice-president calls out on his megaphone, "This afternoon, the Scare Games will go on with the next event! For any scarers interested and particularly quiet, and I mean absolutely quiet, meet us at the grand library of Monsters University!"

April chuckles.

"I really wonder what Mike will try to do with his team to get a chance to not fail.", she hums to herself, "And hopefully they won't. They may have got luck yesterday, but luck isn't always there when you need it."

She then walks to the window and closes it, feeling the room get a bit too cold. She then takes her bag and walks out of her dorm, locking the door behind her.


After her lessons, April immediately walks in direction of the library and joined a part of the public on a balcony of watch the action going on down there. The fraternities are all grouped on a corner of the library and they got to take their fraternity flags which were hanging on a statue at the opposite side from where the fraternity were. And they got to grab it and leave the library before any other fraternities. But they got to do it quietly, because they are in a library and the librarian would catch them if they weren't quiet enough. And after a bit of time, it seems like there was only three teams left; the HSS, the EEK and the OK. The HSS are the closest to reach their flags. On another balcony, the Greek Council president and vice-president are watching and commenting the action.

"We are at the halfway point of the second event, and things are getting interesting.", whispers the president.

The misfits walk in line with Mike, revealing an annoyed Sulley. Sulley looks ahead to see the HSS sisters as they reach for their flag.

"Got it!", says the one of the team who grabbed the flag.

They quickly get out of the library, having passed the test. The other two flags left hanging are green and purple for the two remaining teams.

"Only two teams left.", whispers the president further, "Who will make it out with their flag and who will be eliminated?"

April's body is like almost frozen still. She only dares to move her head to watch the Oozma Kappa, in fear to make noise. She doesn't know what the librarian is capable of, but she wouldn't wish to know. 

"In a real scare you do not wanna get caught by a kid's parent, and in this event you DO NOT want to get caught by..."The librarian."", comments the vice-president.

The librarian presses her tentacle fingers to her lips and quiets the room.

"Shhh. Quiet."

She can hear a pin drop but she needs strong glasses to see anything.

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