Chapter 5: The Scare Games

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Fraternity and sorority monsters have gathered for the event. The Greek Council president and VP, the two representatives of the games, are on stage to address the crowd.

"Welcome to this year's Greek Scare Games kickoff!", the council president starts.

"THE SCARE GAMES! YAH!!!", the over-excited vice president leans into his mic and yells to the crowd,

"Okay, relax. We have a special guest, the founder of the Games - Dean Hardscrabble!"

More cheers as Dean Hardscrabble steps to the podium. April walks through the crowd to get a better view while being discrete, her face hidden in her hood.

"Good afternoon. As a student I created these games as a friendly competition. But be prepared: To take home the trophy you must be the most fearsome monsters on campus.", Dean Hardscrabble starts.

Instantly posing, a student photographer snaps a picture of the RORs.

"So good luck, and may the best monsters win!", Hardscrabble says, leaving the stage.

"Alright everybody, we're closing down sign-ups, so we'll see you all-", the vice-president starts before getting interrupted.

"Wait!", a voice calls out

Mike pushes through the crowd.

"I'm signing up.", he says.

April, for the first time since the beginning of the semester, sees Mike, full of energy and decisive. She can't believe he would wish to take part in the games. The crowd, on their sides, especially the RORs, bust out laughing.

"What?!", Johnny laughs out.

"What's Wazowski up to?", Hardscrabble asks herself, narrowing her eyes.

Sulley shows up, still angry, looking for Mike.

"Uhhh, you have to be in a fraternity to compete.", the Greek council president informs to Mike.

"Behold, the next winning fraternity of the Scare Games... the brothers, my brothers, of Oozma Kappa!", Mike exclaims, pointing to where he is revealing the members of the misfit fraternity: Don, Terri and Terry, Squishy, and Art. 

They're not used to having so many eyes on them, but they stand proud.

"Hi.", says Squishy.

A balloon deflates on Squishy's head. The crowd snickers. Hardscrabble approaches Mike.

"Mr. Wazowski, what are you doing?", Hardscrabble asks.

"You just said the winners are the most fearsome monsters on campus. If I win, it means you kicked out the best scarer in the whole school.", Mike explains.

"That won't happen.", Hardscrabble says, decisive.

"How about a little wager?", Mike demands.

The students gasp, shocked. And so does April.

"If I win, you let me back in the scaring program.", Mike starts suggesting.

Sulley is rolling his eyes.

"Pfft...", he lets out

"And what would that prove?", asks Hardscrabble.

"That you were wrong.", Mike provokes.

The students laugh with more shock. April however makes a cringe face at that sentence.

"Very well, if you win I will let your entire team into the scare program, but if you lose, you will leave Monsters University.", Hardscrabble continues the bet.

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