Chapter 25: Lovebirds

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"ROAR OMEGA ROAR WINS!", Brock announces.

The winning team comes out from the tunnel victoriously. The crowd cheers to them. April, as she got out from the tunnel, unharmed, with her teammates, she huffs out of breath and can feel her legs pretty wobbly. What a race. And what a day too. It seems as if she almost only did hard work herself. She looks up to the crowd cheering. It feels good to be supported by the audience. What a nice feeling. Despite her fatigue, she lets out a smile.

"Second place, Oozma Kappa!", Claire announces at her turn.

The team comes out in whole indemnity at the finish line, smiling and waving victoriously to the loud audience. The ROR males look up to them and frown. Their rivals. On second place. They should beware. April on her side notices this and feels awkward about it.

"Third place, Lambda Nu Kappa!", Brock announces and the two presidents now pass on the names of the teams one after another as the crowd cheers up for each of them.

"Fourth place, Python Nu Kappa!"

"Fifth place, Jaws Tetha Chi!"

"And last place, Eta Eta Hiss! Which means that this team is eliminated from the games."

The losing team grunts and hisses angrily. They all came out all puffed up from their limbs because of the spray and slime. They also took a lot of time to get their companion out of the pool. The team leaves disappointed. Frank, from the Oozma Kappa, approaches the RORs viciously, clapping his hands slowly.

"Well, well. Congrats on your first win. Maybe you are gaining back the honor you lost last year. But just remember that my team is sticking up your butts still. Trust me, the moment your head is turned aside, we'll get you.", he says.

Johnny marches forward, glaring at him with a smirk, scoffing.

"And how? I am curious to know that. Oh, what am I saying. I shouldn't be wasting your energy right now for this. You'll need it within days. Am I right?", he says.

Both of them exchange deep rivalry glares before leaving each other to their own ways and taking their own teams with them, away to their rows. Fanny and April have watched the brief exchanges and they look at each other as they are leaving each other's sights, sharing worries and sadness.


It's late in the evening, and the Roar Omega Roar are reaching back their rows, tired but satisfied. April on her side has never felt this weak before. She can barely march, but keeps up the best of the rhythms possible to not show it all to the others. But somehow she can feel that her head spins lightly. She wishes to throw herself on her bed and not move from there. Quickly. As they all entered in, Johnny turns to his whole team.

"Tonight was a great performance. Good job everyone. Keep it up.", he says, "I say, we celebrate it through dinner. What do you all wish to eat tonight?"

"Pizza!", Chet yells.

"Yeah!", everyone agrees.

"I'll get some jalapeño beers.", Chip says.

"I'll order it all.", Javier says on his turn.

Everyone goes their own way. April, feeling too weak and dizzy, can't hold on any longer and clutches on a wall nearby. Johnny looks behind him and sees her on a pretty bad state. He walks up to her, worried.

"Hey, rookie. You ok, back there?", he asks out.

"Yes. Just give me a second.", April breaths in and out, shaking her head to wash off her dizziness invading her head.

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