Chapter 30: Partypooper

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The Scare Games went on for the rest of the few days left of competition. Everyone is fighting hard to get to the finale and win the games. And every single team is preparing themselves for the best and the worst.

On the side of the Oozma Kappa, after the little discussion they had with April, they have applied slowly what she advised. And it sure helps a lot. Whenever they need to feel strong and motivated, they simply thought about Mike Waxowski, their previous coach. He is their source of strength and scare, even when he is not here with them. As for with Frank, well, they simply either ignore him and his snarls or spontaneously tell him to keep it shut and cooperate. Frank is pretty surprised and dumbfounded by their sudden attitude. He hates it when people don't do as he says and he fears that this won't go anywhere. He knows that there is a high probability that the RORs still would win against them. He needs to find something to get this situation under his control.

As for the ROR team, they won't let anything slip out of their ways. Victory seems so near to them, they can't give up. And the people know how tough they are. Even after the previous competition, people still remember that the RORs are still pretty tough on this. They proved it on this competition right here. Their training has come up to a high level, but with their new recruit here, it's adapted. By the way, even though the RORs' reputation hasn't changed negatively and still is high up, it is still pretty queer for other monsters to see them having changed recruit conditions like this. Their team was reputed for being 'men-only', picky on the members, strict, snobby.... It seems changes aren't this invisible to the naked eye. And the new recruit, who is the first female ever entered in the history of this team, is seen with wonder, surprise, shock or disappointment. Many seem to have taken it positively, others not. But April slowly no longer cares about it. She is trying to learn to not bother about opinions.


The next two competitions have followed. The first coming up hasn't been one physical performance this time. It was a mental one. A monster wasn't known only for its physical abilities, but also for their intelligence, right? One by one, the members had to answer three riddles given by them to describe a child, a teen or an adult. Three riddles with one line that the human could be saying, what they are wearing, and a small not so detailed description of their room. And our participants had to answer them rapidly in two seconds through a microphone. They had right to one wrong answer only out of the three each member. If one member did too many wrong answers, the team would get one strike. The team with the most strikes, so maximum five, was out of the competition.

Every single team had to pay close attention to all they were going to be told during the riddles. Some were going to be easy, some tough. Everyone had to beware and also answer rapidly. The first participants to answer the questions through headphones, the questions all random and different for one another, are Squishy, Chet, Dirk from the JOXs and  Crystal from the PNKs. We can see how it goes on for each of them, starting with Squishy.

"Line: Can we buy a unicorn, please?

Clothing: Loves to wear a small tutu and fake fairy wings.

Room: Posters of princesses are hanging on the walls and the room is filled with dolls.", the voice starts in Squishy's headphones.

Squishy immediately takes on the mic and answers the question.


He passes the question greatly and can go to the next ones. Now on to Dirk's point of view as he tries to answer his questions.

"Line: Ah hey, wassup dude?

Clothing: Hippie clothing

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