Chapter 28 : The Silence Event

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The next morning, all frats and sororities have received the next enigma for the next event of the Scare Games.

"The walls have ears. And those are sensitive. Watch out were you step. The single little sound you may produce could eliminate you for the rest of the games."

Everyone here has to be prepared, for this event may be difficult. And the RORs have immediately understood it.

"Alright everyone. This afternoon, the next event will go on through the Liberal Arts of Monstrosities Building main hall. Has anyone any idea of what this event is, stating from the enigma?", Johnny asks out.

He has reunited his team outside to the backyard of their row to be doing training. Chet raises his claws as no one was responding and simply stared at their leader.

"Yes, Chet?", Johnny asks.

"This will surely be about being silent, isn't it?!", Chet shouts out.

"Indeed. So take example from it and quit shouting that loud, please.", Johnny cringed out, a finger rubbing in one ear (where are da ears? They tiny?)


"So, what we need to watch out, is how much of loud thumping feet we are and try to make them as noisy as feathers. If you are being too loud, humans will hear you. And I am sure they do have big ears.", Johnny adds, "So, for fun and for being more realistic in this training, I brought you a helping sensitive hard working pal. A great party-pooper of his kind. Rick Long-slumber."

He backs off aside, revealing from behind where Johnny stood, a sleeping snoring blob monster the floor. The teammates look surprised at the blob, blinking multiple times.

"Uh....", Javier lets out, "For what?"

"Hey!", the blob wakes up suddenly, angry.

Everyone except Johnny, startled.

"I'm trying to sleep hera. D'you mind talking quieta?", the blob shouted.

"Our little volunteering handy here has a very very sensitive hearing. What you say as a medium toned voice, he hears it like you bursted on him.", Johnny explains, whispering proudly.

"Who said a volunteered?", the blob asks, greedy.

"I did promise you a brand very comfy new bed to rest on in exchange of you being here, didn't I?", Johnny grinned brightly at him.

"Sure. Wake meh when it's ova.", the blob then drops back to sleep, snoring again.

'I sure hope for him he isn't a student. I would have failed my studies for a long time.', thinks April, 'Yet if he isn't a student, I wonder where Johnny found him.'

"That sleepy head has apparently broken down his bed. I found him a good job to compensate those damages.", Johnny whispers to his team, "Now, do you see these flags at this side of the yard? From where you stand, each of you needs to be as quiet as possible while you march through the yard. And how noisy to be when marching on tiny rocks, right?"

The team could a large amount of tiny rocks spilled all over the grass floor of the yard.

"You, my dear compatriots, are going to have to march through this yard full of rocks and come back with your own flags, without waking up blob here. If he dares say something, you go back from where you came from and you wait until it's your turn once more. Should be easy peasy knowing you all, right? Now, which of you would like to take the honor of starting."

Reggie raises one hand, growling excited.

"Quiet, please.", the blob calls out.

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