Chapter 42

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Being around my old classmates again felt surreal. It hadn't been that long since I was sat in class, surrounded by these people as we were being prepared for our exams. Yet now, looking around at all the familiar faces, it felt like a lifetime ago.

I knew this was most likely the last time I would see most of them but I'd never really made friends outside of the pack anyway. The only exception to that rule was Mason and ever since he joined our group of friends, he'd been much more distant from his human friends.

I stood in the centre of the dance floor, my arms hooked around Zach's neck as we moved to the beat of the song. I'd already had a couple of drinks so a huge smile plastered across my face as Zach and I laughed at ourselves.

"Hey, look," he captured my attention and grinned as I followed his line of sight to where Liam and Lexi were making out in the corner of the room.

"Your brother owes me $10," I said with a grin, smirking over at the two.

Zach laughed before pulling my attention back to him and pressing his lips to mine. I leant back with a smile. "What was that for?" I asked, moving my arms down so our hands were joined.

"I wanted to," he answered, his words slightly slurred from the drink. I giggled and met his lips once again before we were joined by a few of my friends.

"Have you seen those two?" Caroline asked, her hand securely in Masons as she eyed Lexi. "They haven't come up for air for a while."

I laughed, watching the two of them completely unaware of the world around them, clearly enjoying themselves. "I think she might kill him," Ryder commented with a grin.

"What a way to die," Zach muttered in my ear, making me laugh.

"Looks like you win," Chris announced, approaching us from the left with a $10 bill in his hand. "Here."

"Thank you." I grinned.

"Alright, I've waited long enough," Zach finally said, taking my hand and moving me forwards. "He always interrupts us... time to return the favour."

I shook my head at him as he lead us through the crowds of dancing teens. The music caused the floor to vibrate beneath my feet and bright, coloured lights flashed overhead.

"Hey!" Zach called when we reached the pair who pulled apart breathlessly. "What are you guys up to?" Zach continued, acting clueless as he positioned himself beside Liam.

"Seriously?" He snapped, his face completely flushed and his lips swollen. His chest rose and fell rapidly as he eyed Lexi who was having a similar reaction.

"Now you know how it feels." Zach smirked, clapping his brother on the back. "By the way, that shade looks good on you." He indicated to the light pink lipstick that was smeared across his chin.

"Screw you."

"Come on," I said, taking Zach's hand and tugging him away. "Let's leave them to it." I turned to Lexi who had avoided eye contact with us all since we appeared. "Have fun," I whispered in her ear before dragging my husband away.

"Use protection!" He called behind him, causing a few people around us to turn their heads in time to see a look of horror cross Liams face. He flushed bright red and scowled at Zach who chuckled loudly.

"You're drunk," I commented, a smirk on my face.

"Tipsy," he corrected with a laugh, taking my hand and pulling me closer. "I recently got married and my wife is a bad influence."

"Ah, I see," I answered before slamming my lips against his. "Would she be able to convince you to go and find a dark corner of our own..?"

He groaned loudly before grasping my hips and pulling me towards the edge of the room. "Hey!" A voice called before a hand landed on my shoulder. "Where are you guys off to?"

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