Chapter 7

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"What?" I breathed.

"What?" A deep roar sounded from Zach at the same time, drowning out my small gasp.

In seconds, he was standing completely in front of me, blocking my view of the guilty looking pack members. Tyler and the protection wolves - who had been silently watching our conversation - also moved to block me from their attacks.

"Its the only way," Agatha whispered, her voice cracking while I peered around Zach to see the rest of the pack shift into fighting stances.

"We don't want to fight you." One of the men held his hands up in a sign of peace but Zach snarled in response.

"But you do want to murder my innocent fiancé," he snarled, reached backwards to give my hand a quick squeeze. He gently pushed me backwards before backing up himself and turning to face me.

"Zach..," I whispered softly, threading my fingers through his. His warm hand closed around mine, holding me tightly.

"Stay behind me and call Liam. Ok?" He ordered in a rush before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

He pulled away reluctantly and gazed down at me. "We had hoped you would die willingly for the greater good," the middle-aged woman announced from behind him and I scoffed.

"There has to be another way to stop him," I responded, shaking my head. "You just aren't willing to try."

"If you cease to exist, then the bloodline ends and nobody will ever be able to use you or anyone to create an army again," one of the men explained and my stomach lurched at the words 'cease to exist'.

Zach snapped around to face them again while I slipped my phone from my pocket and sent Liam an SOS text. My hands trembled a little but I managed to send the message quickly as Zach stalked forwards.

"Tell me where Rick and his minions are and I will tear them to shreds, including your son," he snarled at the man whose eyes flashed a shimmering amber.


"I will find them anyway, I will make sure he is the first to die if you don't leave. Now," Zach growled deeply, taking another threatening step forward.

His words acted as a trigger and, as if rehearsed, everyone in front of me shifted into large, bulky wolves, snarling and snapping their jaws at each other in fury.

The only one who didn't shift was Agatha, who kept her glossy grey eyes on me. I met her soft gaze head-on. "Please don't do this," I begged, stepping sideways to avoid snapping teeth.

The group of wolves had erupted into chaos before me and their jaws were level with my heart so I made sure to dodge them while simultaneously watching Agatha closely.

"I'm sorry, I really am," she whimpered as if it physically pained her to do this. I was distracted from her at the harsh ripping sound and turned to see blood pooling from one of my protection wolves.

Tears dripped from my eyes as she fell limp on the floor, still breathing but incapable of movement. I was sure that the wolf that attacked her would finish her off but instead, he moved on.

I was grateful and realised that these weren't bad people, they were just doing what they thought was right. I watched Zach fighting against two of the wolves while Tyler did the same, leaving the remaining two wolves to fight against my two protection wolves.

Blood spurted left, right and centre and I cringed, preparing to turn myself and dive into the battle. I took a step forward only to be halted. Furiously, I turned to see Liam with a warning look on his face.

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