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"Zach!" I called, stumbling to my feet. "Can you get the door?"

I waited for a few moments, the ringing sound of the doorbell still shrilling loudly. I hadn't realised until now just how annoying it was. "Zach!" I yelled again.

"I'm coming," I heard him say before I heard his feet padding down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and moved into the kitchen, stretching my back as I did. By the time I'd crossed the room, the timer I'd set on my phone started to go off and I sighed, turning around to go back to the lounge where I'd left it.

"Hey!" I heard Zach greet once I'd turned off the annoying, high-pitched beeping. "Come on in," he said.

I ignored our guests as they came filtering inside and scuffled back to the kitchen. "Zach!" I called once I reached the cooker, snatching the oven gloves off the side. "Zach! I need your help!"

"What's up?" He asked, entering the room beside his brothers and Lexi.

"The food is done," I told him, tossing the oven gloves at him. "I can't bend down to get it out."

He reached a hand up to cover his mouth while he smirked, a small, controlled chuckle leaving his lips. "Shut up," I said, moving out of his way. "Where's Bri?"

"She's putting her tiara on," he answered with a grin and an eye roll. "She couldn't decide between her tiara or her crown but decided to save her crown for when she becomes the queen."

"Obviously," I muttered.

I watched my husband pull out the trays of food and immediately dug in, incapable of waiting for my daughter to come downstairs. "Save some for the birthday girl," Liam laughed, flicking my arm away and moving between me and the plate of food.

"Get the hell out of my way," I grumbled, my mouth still full of food.

"Daddy!" Bri suddenly called, charging into the room dressed up in her favourite pink sparkly dress with a tacky silver tiara on her head.

I smirked as she did a spin, showing us her outfit. "I'm ready for my party."

"You look beautiful sweetheart," Zach said, kissing her on the top of the head. "Why don't you go into the living room? Grandpa is in there." She didn't need to be told twice, knowing full well that her birthday presents were also in there.

"So how've you been El?" Lexi asked me, reaching over to steal a sausage roll from the tray in front of me.

"Crap," I muttered in response.

"And grouchy," Liam said with a scoff. "I preferred you when you were knocked out for the nine months of pregnancy."

I glared at him, not the least bit interested in hearing his stupid jokes. "Liam," Zach warned, shooting him a look before shuffling closer to me and curling an arm around my waist.

"Believe me I preferred you when I was knocked out as well," I shot back, shoving Zach away when I quickly became too warm. "I need to sit down," I muttered, leaving them to make my way to the lounge.

By the time I got there, the three of them had overtaken me with the food and Bri had already opened a few presents. I sighed heavily when I dropped into the seat, my hands settling on my stomach.

"What's wrong mommy?" Bri suddenly asked, a sad expression on her face.

I shook my head. "Nothing honey, carry on opening your presents," I told her with a smile.

She nodded before tearing into the paper wrapped around the doll she'd asked for. "Yay!" She exclaimed, jumping up and throwing her arms around my dad. "Thank you grandpa!"

I couldn't help but smile as he hugged her back tightly, so relieved that she had one grandparent in her life. Between him and her uncles, she was absolutely spoiled and I was so glad that she didn't feel like she was missing out at all.

"Are you excited to have a new brother or sister soon Brianna?" Chris asked from his seat beside my dad.

She nodded happily. "I'm having a sister," she told him.

"We don't know for sure yet sweetheart," Zach told her when everyone looked towards us in surprise.

"I don't want a brother," she whined, shaking her head.

"Your mom and dad both have brothers," Aiden told her. "Don't you want a little brother to look after?"

"No!" She exclaimed, "no I want a sister to play dolls with."

"Hey! What about me?" Ryder teased with a pout. "I always play dolls with you, you can't replace me!"

"You can play with me and my sister," she answered with a wide grin."

I laughed with a shake of my head, knowing there was no point in wasting our breath trying to convince her. We just had to hope that if we did have a boy, she would change her mind.

Brianna chatted away on my dads lap, opening more presents as she did. Beside me, Zach leaned down and pressed his lips to the side of my head. "Are you feeling any better?" He asked.

Considering my day had consisted of throwing up in the morning while Zach held back my hair, painful stomach aches and back pain, insatiable hunger but a complete lack of appetite and a foul mood, I couldn't imagine I could feel any worse.

"A little," I told him, leaning against him. "This isn't how I wanted to be on her birthday though."

"She doesn't seem to mind," he said, nodding towards where she was giggling away at something Liam was saying. "And," he continued, "I managed to talk her into having a sleepover at Liams tonight... so we have the place to ourselves."

I glanced up at him. "That's how I got into this situation in the first place," I muttered, gesturing to my stomach.

He grinned. "You can't get more pregnant," he stated, leaning down to kiss my lips gently. "I can tell Liam not to bother though if you'd like."

I shook my head. "Absolutely not."

I cannot believe this is the end of the Alpha's series. Alphas daughter was my first ever book and I never had the intention of publishing it so for it to have become a trilogy is incredible.

I'm so grateful to everyone that read, voted and commented on this story and inspired me to keep writing. It's always something I've enjoyed doing but have never had the confidence to share, hence my anonymous username.

I always appreciate any feedback, both good and bad as it helps me to improve upon my writing so please feel free to leave any helpful tips, criticisms or things you enjoyed here :)

I'm really going to miss writing Zach and Ella's story and I hope you were all happy with their happy ending. I've really struggled to find the perfect ending for all the amazing characters.

Thanks again to everyone for reading and please check out my profile for other stories and follow my instagram: unknownw225 for more content <3

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