Chapter 13

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Dean flashed past me, sending Rick flying backwards from force before slamming his body against the trunk of a tree. I winced as his clenched fist went pummelling right into his brothers smirking face.

A cold laugh escaped Ricks lips, spewing blood over Deans shirt. "You're fighting your battles with children?" He mocked, causing my father to growl in response.

"This will be the last time you harm my daughter," he spat, pulling Rick forward only to slam him backwards again.

Around me, my pack fought against Ricks men, blood spurting around them. Jaws clashed and claws slashed through flesh, making me wince despite my attempts to ignore the chaos and focus on my father and uncle.

Again, Rick chuckled at his younger brother and I frowned. "And what about you, brother?" He asked.

Dean looked at him in confusion and Rick continued. "How many times will you hurt your own daughter?"

I grit my teeth at the smirk that formed on Ricks face while Deans fell. "First her mother, then you kill her father... who's next? Her boyfriend? Her best friend? Her?"

"I will never hurt her!" My father bellowed, releasing his grip on his brother and slamming his fist into the tree, causing leaves to scatter down from the rumbling branches.

Rick darted away, keeping his eyes on his brother. "Your temper has always been your biggest weakness," he said with a grin. "Its what made it so easy to kill Rachel... and what made you kill Alex. Sooner or later, you'll kill someone else because of it."

"The next person I kill will be you!" Dean snarled, his eyes blazing.

Rick shook his head. "Not today." He turned to me and smirked while a scowl crossed my face. "See you soon Ella."

Before I could open my mouth to respond, he vanished into the forest and once again, got away. I turned to see my father fuming and sighed. "Forget it, at least everyone is ok," I said, glancing around my friends who had either killed Ricks men or at least chased them off.

Dean nodded but I was already off, heading in the direction I had seen Mason go when he grabbed the guys. His scent was the easiest to overpower and he was the best candidate for getting the guys out, even though it was extremely dangerous.

I sniffed the air and instantly caught Zach's scent. With a breath of relief, I sprinted ahead through the woods until three figures came into view.

"Are you okay?" I asked, slowing to a stop and throwing my arms around him. His own arms curled around me tightly and I sighed, sinking into his comforting hold.

"I'm fine," he said softly before pressing a kiss to my cheek.

"And you?" I turned to Liam who grinned and pulled me to him.

"Also fine," he said. "Are you?"

I nodded and leant against Zach, feeling his arms come around me and his chin rest on my shoulder. "Yeah, we lost Rick... unsurprisingly, but everyone is fine," I assured him.

"Good," Liam mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Let's go," I said, squeezing Zach's hand before walking alongside him back through the woods. Thankfully, we had driven half way across the state, anticipating the fact we would all likely be tired so we all jumped into a few cars and rested our eyes on the way home.

"What happened?" I whispered to Zach who pinned me against his chest and rested his head against mine.

"Someone grabbed me while I was running, Liam called me from further back and I managed to turn in time to see a syringe insert into his neck. They gave me one too and when we woke up, your uncle was grinning at us," he growled beneath his breath, tightening his grip on me.

"I'm sorry," I whispered, placing my palm on his chest over his heart so I could feel it steadily beating.

He smiled gently at me before kissing my lips softly. "You shouldn't have come, it was risky," he said as he pulled away and I frowned.

"Zach, I love you and I love Liam. I wasn't going to leave either of you and when it was the other way around, you came for me," I said with a sigh.

"I don't care, El. You gave him exactly what he wanted by coming after us," he snapped back, eyebrows raised.

"I don't want to fight with you right now Zach, please."

He sighed and nodded. "You're right, we'll talk about this later." I sunk further into his hold and closed my eyes, listening to the steady beat of his heart until I drifted off into a deep sleep.

When I finally stirred awake, I was tightly wrapped up in Zachs arms in our bed. "How is it that you were the one that was kidnapped and yet I'm still the one who passes out?" I grumbled, looking up to see him gazing down lovingly at me.

He chuckled and pressed his lips to my head. "You weren't asleep that long, I only just lay you down," he assured me with a small smile.

I reached up to brush my hand across his stubbled chin. "Did he hurt you?" I whispered.

Immediately, Zach shook his head. "No, baby I'm fine," he said, his eyes harder than they were only seconds ago.

I moved my hand up to his hair and brushed my fingers through his thick locks. "Liar," I accused him, raising an eyebrow. "Tell me."

He sighed and rolled onto his back before raising his shirt to reveal a long slash across the side of his torso. "I promise I'm fine, its already healing," he said, shooting me a look and then frowning. "Why are you grinning?"

I laughed softly and then lifted my own shirt to show him the scar that ran along my own torso on the same side as Zachs. "We match," I said with a grin and he chuckled.

"That's not a good thing," he grumbled before grabbing my waist and lifting me over him so I was straddling his waist.

I lowered my body so I was lay across him, making sure to keep my weight off of him. "I missed you," I told him, brushing my lips against his.

He pressed his chest forward so it was touching mine and claimed my lips. "I was worried about you," he groaned into my mouth and I pulled away with a puzzled expression on my face.

"Me? You were the one that went missing, I was worried about you," I said, running a hand down his solid chest.

"I know... but you were here alone, with Chris," he mumbled and I frowned. "I was worried about what he would do."

I rolled my eyes and leant back. "He yelled at me and called my dad when I decided to offer myself over to Rick," I told him and Zach's icy blue eyes turned colder.

"You what?" He shot up into a sitting position so we were once again chest to chest and grabbed my waist. "Ella," he growled and I sighed.

"Yeah I know, but I would do anything for you and we both know you would do it for me so lets just forget it okay? We are both safe now," I said softly and then paused. "For now anyway."

Zach brushed a hand along the side of my face and pressed his forehead to mine. "You are so irritating," he growled. "But I love you."

"I love you too."

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