Chapter 34

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For my week of wedded bliss, Zach and I both made a lot of noises we never had before, but there was one noise I was dreading hearing.

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

I snarled loudly as the alarm clock sounded, alerting us that our honeymoon was over and that real life was about to slap us in the face. Carelessly, I slammed my hand onto the bedside table, sending things clattering to the floor until the ear piercing sound silenced.

With a heavy sigh, I sunk further into my husbands side, trying to block out the bright sunlight slicing into the room. Above me, Zach grumbled. "Morning."

"No, no, no," I whined, reaching up to clap my hand over his mouth. "Not yet."

Beneath my fingers, he chuckled softly before both of his hands moved to my hips and he squeezed lightly, causing me to remove my hand from his face.

"I just want to stay in bed," I muttered, burying my face in his neck, "all day. With you." I swiped my tongue along the length of his neck before peppering kisses up to his ear. "Please?" I begged, my voice a soft whisper drenched with need.

"That's what we did yesterday," he reminded me, pulling away from where I was nibbling at his ear. Unfortunately for him, I had curled my arms tightly around him and pinned him against me. "Stop that," he growled.

"You really want me to stop?" I tilted my head back so our lips were aligned and only a hairs width apart before letting out a soft moan.

Within seconds Zach was on me, his hands holding me in place while his lips pressed against mine. I parted my lips willingly, welcoming him into my warm mouth while my arms wrapped around his neck.

A pit of need began to form in my stomach as the kiss became sloppy and desperate before finally, Zach pulled back for air. I was gasping for breath beneath him as I looked up through my lashes. "Still want to get out of bed?"

He shot me a look. "We have to," he answered - and it was not the answer I was hoping for. I frowned up at him, causing him to roll his eyes. "Don't look at me like that, we don't want to be late for our first day working together."

I stared up at him for a moment before his words sunk in. "You're taking the job?" I gasped, reaching up and resting my hand on his jaw.

He nodded and kissed my palm before I raised to meet his lips once again. "Thats amazing," I managed to mutter before his mouth covered mine, this time in a softer, more coordinated kiss. "Especially since I hadn't even bothered to think of anyone else," I added with a grin.

I felt his chest vibrate with laughter and glanced up to see him gazing down at me. "So, as much as I wish I could keep you in this bed all day," he said with suggestive look, "it will have to wait until tonight."

With a huff, I nodded. "Fine, you should probably call Tyler and let him know you accepted then. Meanwhile, I have a weeks worth of information to catch up on." I rolled my eyes and pushed off the covers, knowing if I stayed in bed any longer I would never get up and my man would never start his new job.

Before either of us reached the top of the stairs, the doorbell rang. With an eye roll, I glanced at Zach, "well... they didn't waste a second."

He grumbled under his breath and turned back to the bedroom to dress while I traipsed down the stairs in my pyjamas to answer the door. I wasn't at all surprised to be greeted by several grinning faces when the door swung open.

"El!" Liam screeched, charging at me full speed and throwing his arms around me.

I laughed aloud. "Hey."

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