Chapter 19

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Unsurprisingly, the only response I got was a resounding 'no'. I sighed as they all began protesting quite loudly against my plan.

"Guys!" I called, raising my eyebrows and quieting them. "I know that its risky but this is the only way we can get rid of him."

"No, absolutely not," Zach said with finality. "I don't want to hear you ever mention it again," he growled before storming out of the room and up the stairs.

With another sigh, I trailed after him. I knew that once he agreed, the rest of them would come around but Zach would be the hardest to convince.

I tapped on the bedroom door gently, frowning at the sight of his back to me, his stance rigid and his breathing clearly laboured. "Don't be mad," I whispered, stepping inside and closing the door to offer us some privacy.

"I am mad!" He growled, turning around to reveal his sparkling blue eyes were now a fiery amber colour. "I'm mad that you would even think to suggest that!"

"No," I said softly, shaking my head and taking a small step forward. "You're mad because deep down, you know I'm right. You know this is the only way we can get rid of him."

"No, its not," he insisted.

"Zach," I whispered, still edging forward. "Believe me, I considered every other possibility but this is the only way, we can lure him out with this and leave him powerless."

"It's too dangerous Ella. I don't care what you say, I am never going to agree," he snapped and I took another small step forward so I was right in front of him.

"I wasn't asking for your permission Zach. I am going to do this with or without you," I told him gently, "I just hoped you would choose to be beside me."

I turned and left him to smash up everything in our room, closing the door behind me. With a heavy sigh, I made my way back down the stairs to where the others were all still fuming.

"Look, I understand why you are all mad. But this will work," I assured them. "I didn't call you all here to ask for your permission, I am asking you to trust me."

Ryder huffed and stepped forward before throwing his arms around me. "I think its smart... dangerous, but smart," he said. "And I have known you long enough to know never to bet against you." He grinned.

"Does that mean your in?" I asked him.

"Just tell me what you need to me to do."

I smiled and squeezed his hand before turning back to the others. "I haven't known you as long as Ryder but I do agree, I would be an idiot to bet against you," Liam said with a nod and I grinned.

"I know this is going to work," I promised and he nodded. I looked past him to where Aiden and Chris stood and shot them a pleading look.

"Zach's never going to go for it," Chris said, shaking his head.

I lowered my head and sighed. "I know. But I am going to do it either way," I told him and he sighed.

"Well If Zach's opinion isn't going to stop you, mine sure as hell won't." He shrugged and I smiled. "I'm in."

"What if something goes wrong?" Aiden asked me.

"I won't let it," I promised him confidently and reluctantly, he nodded. With a small smile, I turned to my father. "Please?"

He stood up straighter and frowned. "I want my brother dead, and I want you to have the best wedding possible. But I swear Ella if something does go wrong..." he trailed off.

"It wont," I assured him before taking a deep breath and pulling out my phone. "If we are going to do this, it has to be today," I told him and his jaw clenched.

He glanced between the phone in my hand and my wide, pleading eyes before nodding. "Okay," he finally growled out and with that, I was dialling.

"Rick?" I called.

"Ella," his voice taunted.

"I want to talk. Meet me in the woods a few miles from my territory, come alone," I ordered before ending the call. I nodded up at my father who smiled softly down at me.

"You're really going to do this?" Zach's voice growled from behind me. I turned to see him filling the doorway with his solid frame, a scowl drawn across his face.

"I told you I would," I said softly. "I'm not going to let him win anymore."

He strode forward until he was towering over me, a deep set frown carved into his face. His eyebrows were pulled together, causing creases in his forehead and his jaw was clenched. He grabbed my arms roughly, pulling me towards him so I went catapulting into his chest.

"If you get hurt I will never forgive you," he promised in a growl, sending me a daring look that was more intense than I had ever seen. "But I would never let you do this alone," he added before taking my lips in his and kissing me like he never had before.

I smiled against his lips, already feeling a million times more confident knowing he would be with me. "I love you."


An hour later, I stood alone in the middle of the woods about ten miles from the lake where my parents gravestones were. The sun was slowly descending in the sky and an eery silence had settled around me.

I clutched the knife in my hand tighter, curling my fist around the handle while the blade was hidden up my sleeve.

The sudden noise bursting through the silence caused me to jump and I turned to see Rick accompanied by a large group of at least fifteen men.

"I told you to come alone," I growled, tightening my grip on the blade again.

Rick chuckled and shook his head. "I'm not an idiot Ella. Besides, you didn't." He sniffed the air and his gaze locked on something behind me.

My heart thundered in my chest as I turned to see Zach step out from behind a tree. I smiled assuringly at him while he moved to stand beside me. I turned back to Rick and smiled. "Yeah, well... I'm not an idiot either."

"What is this about Ella?" He growled impatiently.

"I want you gone," I stated and he raised an eyebrow. "I want you out of my life... for good."

He chuckled and rolled his eyes. "And how do you and your boyfriend intend to do that?"

"By exploiting your weakness," I stated simply and he frowned.

"What weakness would that be?"

I smiled and pulled the knife out of my sleeve. "Me," I said, watching confusion cross his face. "You need me alive to create your army, which makes me your weakness."

"So what?" He scoffed, glancing between the two of us. "You're going to kill yourself? Please, your boyfriend would never let you."

I looked to Zach who's jaw was set and his eyes were a dark, stormy blue. "He would if it meant he protected the people we care about," I argued and again, he scoffed.

"I'm calling your bluff," he said, shaking his head.

I kept my eyes locked on his and nodded. "I figured you would," I said before bringing the knife up and dragging it along my throat.

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