Chapter 28

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"Will the bride and groom please make their way to the dance floor?" Lexi called from the stage at the front of the hall.

We had used the town hall for the party after the ceremony and Lexi had decorated it beautifully, leaving a large open space in the centre for dancing.

I smiled quickly as the photographer snapped a picture of Liam, Chris and I before making my way through the crowds towards the centre of the room. Zach stood off to one side, smiling over at me as I approached him.

"Hey beautiful," he said, taking my arm. "Ready for our first dance as husband and wife?" He asked.

"I'm pretty sure this is our first dance ever," I said as we slowed to a stop in the middle, hand in hand. "You hate dancing," I reminded him.

He smiled and pulled me closer to him so my head was resting against his chest with my arms around his neck. "You really do look beautiful," he said softly as we swayed from side to side.

I leant back and gazed up at him. "Thank you," I whispered. "You clean up pretty good yourself." I grinned and reached up to peck his lips.

He grinned back down at me. "So has Lexi been stressing all morning?"

I laughed softly. "Not as much as I thought. She surprised me actually," I commented.

"So did Liam," he said with a nod, "I was expecting him to screw up somehow but he has actually been really organised." He nodded, impressed and I smiled.

"Maybe you should tell him that...?" I suggested, raising an eyebrow. "I'm sure he would appreciate it."

Zach smiled and nodded before sealing his lips against mine. "I don't ever want this day to end," he said softly, his lips brushing over mine with each word.

I smirked and swiped my tongue across his lower lip. "I do," I said, nestling closer to him. "Once this day ends, its our wedding night," I whispered, moving my lips up to his ear.

I felt his smile against the skin of my neck. "Mm, maybe I could be okay with today ending after all," he mumbled, licking at the skin on my neck.

I giggled as the music came to an end. With a sigh, I kissed my husband softly on the lips before the rest of the guests joined us on the dance floor.

While every member of the pack had to be at the wedding ceremony because I was the alpha, we had decided to only invite our friends and their families to reception.

"May I?" My dad asked, appearing beside us.

Zach frowned, clinging tightly to my hand. "I suppose," he grumbled, leaning over to press a kiss to my cheek. He moved away and was ambushed by Lexi who asked him to dance.

I chuckled at the look on his face and rolled my eyes before taking my dads hands. "Thanks for being here today," I said softly.

He smiled. "Thank you for inviting me," he replied, leaning down to peck my cheek, "I am so happy for you Ella."

"Thank you."

He nodded and kissed the top of my head. "I know your mom and dad would be so so proud of you," he assured me, "I'm so sorry they aren't here to see you."

I sighed and sunk against him. "I wish they were," I muttered, "I wanted to dance with my dad and get ready with my mom."

I heard him clear his throat. "Yeah," he said, dropping his hands and moving to step away.

I grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "Both of my dads," I said, pulling him back towards me. I saw the smile reappear on his face before he twirled me to the music.

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