Chapter 6

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"You look like shit," Liam laughed later in the morning when I trudged into the kitchen alongside Zach and dropped into one of the dining chairs.

I turned to shoot him a glare and muttered a "thanks."

"Don't be an ass Liam." Zach frowned as he poured a glass of water and placed it in front of me. "Here." He kissed my cheek.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly before devouring the contents of the cup, grateful for the cool liquid sliding down my dry throat.

"What's up?" Chris asked from the bar stool beside Liam. The two of them watched me slump back exhaustedly in my seat after finishing off the water with confusion written across their faces.

"She's ill," Zach answered for me.

"I'm not." I rolled my eyes. "I was just a bit sick last night," I explained, shooting Zach a glare.

Liams eyebrows raised in shock. "Are you ok?" He asked as Zach finished dishing up some breakfast.

I nodded in assurance before diving into the meal in my fiancé's hand before he could even place it down on the table. My stomach was growling ravenously for food after being completely emptied last night and the hot toast on the plate looked deliciously appealing.

"Thanks," I managed to blurt out between mouthfuls, scoffing down bite after bite. Once I had completely cleared half of my plate, my phone began to ring so with a sigh, I answered. "Hello?"

"Hey El," Tylers greeted, "there is a group of wolves at the border that are claiming they desperately need to speak with you. I don't think they are with Rick because they are pretty calm and haven't tried to attack anyone but I could be wrong. What do you want me to do?"

I sighed and glanced up to see Zach's jaw set. I sent him a questioning look to which he muttered "kill them" in response.

I rolled my eyes and pulled the phone back to my ear. "Give me a few minutes and I will be there Ty."

He ended the call after agreeing and I grumbled incoherently before wolfing down the rest of my breakfast. "I'm coming with you," Zach demanded, leaving no room for arguments.

I sighed and dropped my crusts onto the plate before spinning to face him. "You heard what he said, they are calm."

"I don't care, Ella, if there is even a chance that this is Rick, I am coming," he snapped back, slipping into his trainers by the front door.

"Do you want me to come too?" Liam asked, preparing to leave anyway despite his nearly full plate of food.

"No, it's fine. Stay and eat, we will call if something happens," I assured him, putting on my own shoes.

"Whats going on?" Chris asked me with a frown.

I glanced at Zach who suddenly seemed to remember his brother was here and he quickly shook his head, his jaw set. I turned to Liam who deliberately avoided my gaze and sighed. "Don't worry about it."

"Something is going on," he stated, shaking his head, "tell me, maybe I can help."

"Trust me Chris, you can't," I barked before following Zach out the door. We walked across the territory in silence and I could tell Zach was mad; his clenched fists and twitchy jaw gave that away.

I opted to also remain silent until we arrived at the border where I could smell several unknown scents. "Alpha Reed," one of my newest protection wolves greeted, bowing her head slightly.

I smiled in response before taking in the group of strangers. There were four men and three women, all dressed in tatty, dirty looking clothes. Immediately, I knew they were from a wild pack.

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