Chapter 39

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The next day, I lay across the sofa with my head resting on Zach's chest, the sunlight streaming through the large window behind us and the faint sound of the TV on in the background. We chatted aimlessly about anything that came to mind while the whole time, his twiddled my wedding ring around my finger.

The entire morning of blissful companionship is what I always pictured married life to be like. He made us both breakfast while I did some light cleaning around the house and then we ate our scrambled egg on toast while the radio played.

We laughed and joked together, made small talk about mindless subjects, shared memories and stories and sometimes sat in comfortable silence. It was one of the most peaceful mornings we had ever spend together.

"I could get used to this," I sighed blissfully, taking Zach's free hand in mind and bringing it to my lips. "I wish our lives were always this quiet."

"Mmm, me too," he mumbled contently, releasing my hand to run his fingers through my hair.

Almost like fate was taunting us, there was a heavy hammering on the door mere seconds later. "You've got to be kidding," I grumbled, sliding off of Zach and trudging to the door with a frown. I swung it open aggressively to come face to face with Jordan. "Hey?"

She smiled up at me sweetly, wiping the frown from my face immediately. "Hey El!" She moved to step inside, revealing Olly, Liv, Lexi and Blake behind her.

"What's going on?" I asked, furrowing my eyebrows as Blake held up a stack of pizza boxes and grinned sheepishly.

"Can we come in?" He asked.

I nodded, moving aside to allow them to enter and following them towards the living room where Zach was now sat up, staring at us in confusion. "So, what's up?"

"Here." Jordan lifted one of the pizza boxes from the pile and placed it down in front of me.

I retook my seat, pressed as close to Zach as I possibly could, resting the pizza box on my lap. He reached over and took a slice before curling his free arm around my waist.

Lexi watched me as I took my own slice and shoved it into my mouth before sighing. "So..." she started, shrugging her shoulders absentmindedly. "Did you hear James Pincher is throwing a party tomorrow night for graduates?"

I stopped with a mouthful of food and glared at her. "No," I managed to say without spitting pizza everywhere.

"Who's James Pincher?" Zach questioned, an edge to his voice.

I finished chewing and swallowed what was in my mouth before turning slightly towards him. "Remember the kid you tried to fight at school?"

A frown crossed his face as he remembered the guy I was talking about and his hold on my waist got a little bit tighter.

"Everyone is going to be there," Lexi continued, oblivious to my disinterest - or just unbothered.

"Not everyone," I muttered, shaking my head. This seemed to relax Zach enough for him to take a second slice of pizza but his arm remained tightly around my waist.

"Oh come on El! We barely see you anymore and this will be fun!" Liv exclaimed, tossing a chip at me.

"Even Jordan agreed to come," Lexi added.

Jordan frowned. "Whats that supposed to mean?"

"My guess is that you guys bullied her into it," I responded with a grin, shaking my head at the two scowling girls.

"We've managed to convince these three," Liv said, pointing between Jordan, Blake and Olly. "And we aren't leaving until you two agree to come as well."

Zach scoffed beside me and I frowned. "You're never leaving then?" I asked with wide eyes.

"Not unless you agree."

"Please El?" Jordans soft voice pleaded and I almost broke. Seeing my best friend with wide, hopeful eyes had me so close to agreeing until I spotted Lexis wicked grin behind her and realised it was part of her plan.

"I'm sorry, I'm just not interested in going to a party," I told her guiltily. I did miss spending time with my friends but this morning had been so perfect with Zach and I wanted to experience that for a little longer.

"Fine," Lexi sighed, shrugging her shoulders. I narrowed my eyes at her, knowing she would never give in so quickly. "I guess it will just be all of us then... and Liam."

"Liams going?" Zach asked before I got the chance, confusion evident in his tone.

Lexi nodded, a shy smile on her face and blush tinting her cheeks as she met my eyes. "I asked him to be my date."

My jaw dropped instantly. "You asked Liam out?"

She nodded, grinning up at me. "I guess I'll have to just tell you about it when I next see you, since you wont be there."

I hesitated for a minute before sighing heavily. "Fine, I'll go." I huffed and turned to see Zach who was watching me with a frown. "You'll get to see Liam trying to behave himself on a date," I told my husband, watching his eyes narrow.

"I'm in."


When they all finally left later on in the day, I began to gather the pizza boxes to throw away when Zach got a phone call. I watched as he answered and frowned, watching me the whole time.

As much as I wanted to, I stopped myself from listening in to his conversation and waited until he ended the call. "Everything okay?" I asked.

"There's a woman at the border who is asking for you," he told me, stepping towards me. "Apparently she's in hysterics."

"Lets go," I said, grabbing a jacket off the coat rack and following him out the door. I wasn't sure whether it was just in my head but I thought I could smell blood as I crossed the inner circle and headed towards the edge of our territory. Zach lead the way, knowing exactly where we needed to go to find this woman.

When we reached the border, my heart dropped at the sight before me and I charged ahead, my chest aching. "What happened?" I asked, my voice angrier than I anticipated.

"They attacked during the night," the woman - whose name I didn't know - answered, guilt dripping from her tone. "They followed me into the woods and shot at me but I healed... and then when I got back this morning I found her on the floor, bleeding."

Tears streamed down her face as I took the lifeless body from her arms and lowered her to the ground. "I tried to bite her but it didn't work. Please help her!"

I looked down at Maisie, the little girl who I'd only met a couple of days ago, the one who begged me to save her mother and then paid the price. "Please!" Her mother begged again before I took the young girls frail arm and sunk my teeth into it.

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