Chapter 51

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My eyes shot open to see Ryder staring back at me in horror. Flames suddenly erupted between us, sending him staggering backwards as I screamed at the burning sensation making its was up my legs.

Ryder acted quickly, grabbing a pillow off the ground and snuffing out the flames with it. The second the fire was out, he vanished into the bathroom before returning with a cup of water and splashing it onto the burnt bedcovers.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He snapped at me as I watched him, tears filling my eyes.

"No," was all I managed to croak out, shaking my head as he moved towards me, confusion drenching his features. "No, why did you do that!"

"Ella," he sighed, dropping onto the bed beside me as I began to shake with fury. "I know you're struggling but it will get better, give it time."

"I was ready!" I snapped, shooting him a glare. "I was ready to die. I need this Ryder, I need to be with him." The tears flowed faster and my voice began to crack as I reached out for Zach's hand. "I can't do this alone."

"You aren't alone," he assured me, pulling me towards him.

While I appreciated his words, I wanted to scream at him. Of course I was alone. I may have had my friends but I had been left alone in the only way that mattered to me right now.

"Listen," I managed to order through my sobs as I buried my face in his chest. I waited as he listened to the silence, focusing on the number of heartbeats in the room.

"El-." He started, stiffening for a moment before tightening his arms around me. "I'm sorry," he whispered.

"I can't do it," I wailed, clinging to him tightly. "I can't have a baby on my own. I can't have his baby without him. I just can't!"

"I promise it will get easier," he mumbled, resting his chin on the top of my head and stroking my hair. "It always gets easier El. And Zach wouldn't want you to do this, he would want you to keep going and to be happy."

I knew he was right. If Zach could see me right now he would be so angry at me. But I didn't care. I was angry at him for leaving me.

"I just want to be with him again."

"I know you do," he sighed, kissing the top of my head.

"He promised he wouldn't leave me." I hiccuped loudly, dribbling all over Ryders shirt that was already soaked in my tears. "How could he do this to me?"

"It wasn't his fault," he whispered softly, tightening his hold on me. "It was the mayors fault, okay? Not Zach's. Not yours."

I sniffled, wiping my face with the back of my hand. My eyes were sore and crusty from crying so much and my nose ran, mixing with my tears. "You're right," I muttered, mulling over his words.

The only reason we were there was because of the mayor. He ambushed us, poisoned us and dragged us from the party. He was the one that pulled the trigger. He's the reason my husband is dead. He's the reason my baby won't have a father.

"Ella?" Ryders voice sounded distant and foggy, almost like he was no longer in the room even though I could feel his arms around me. "Calm down El."

I hadn't realised I was hyperventilating until his words registered in my mind and by the time they had, I could feel the anger burning in my veins. My fists were clenched at my sides and I felt my eyes flash amber before fangs began to protrude from my gums.

"Ella?" Ryder sounded frantic as he shook me gently.

I snarled at him, pulling myself from his arms just in time for my body to begin to transition from human to wolf. I leapt off the bed, growling loudly at Ryder when he called for me once again.

My legs carried me down the stairs and straight out the front door, the fresh air slamming into my nostrils after days cooped up in bed. I had no idea where I was going but I allowed my wolf to take charge, giving my mind the chance to rest for a little while.

As a wolf, the ache in my chest was stronger. For the creature within, it wasn't just a husband I had lost, it was a mate. The person I was bonded to for the rest of eternity.

I began to speed up, revelling in the feeling of the wind whipping through my fur, nurturing me. It didn't take long for me to reach town, where most houses were blacked out now, with only the street lamps lighting my way.

I stalked through the streets, hiding in the shadows in case any humans were around until I found myself outside a large, three story home. White pillars lined the front of the house and a large oak door sat in the centre.

I trudged up to the house, not wasting any time in pouncing at the door, satisfaction flooding me when it crumpled beneath me. It was nice to at least have my strength back.

With no clue who lived in this house or why I was here, I entered, scanning the large foyer before climbing the stairs, my paws silent on the marble flooring. My wolf guided me along the hallway upstairs, stopping outside a particular door.

When I broke it down, a high pitched scream reached my ears and I cringed before stalking further inside. A woman sat on the large bed, her hand clutched to her chest and her eyes locked on me as she screamed.

I growled, wanting her to shut up. The sound pierced straight through my ears and woke the man lay next to her. He shuffled into a sitting position, spotting me lurking at the end of the bed before freezing.

"What do you want?" He asked, his tone giving away his fear. "Leave."

I snarled louder, knowing exactly why I was here now. The mayor had sounded so cocky when he had us locked up, poisoned and under his control. But now, he was unarmed and unprepared.

"Leave!" He yelled.

I pounced. I would never take orders from a man like him. Someone so intent on hurting innocent people. I landed on the bed with a soft thud, causing the woman to scream again, terror dripping from the dreadful sound.

Before the mayor even had the chance to speak, I clamped my jaw around his right arm, tearing it clean from its socket before tossing across the room. His screams joined the woman's, filling the room and only spurring me on.

I dug my front claws into his chest, feeling the skin split and the blood pool around my feet. I spat the flesh and blood that resided in my mouth at him, watching in satisfaction as he cringed and cowered away.

The woman darted from the bed, backing away from me as I continued to put pressure on my claws, nearing the mayors heart with every second.


I froze, turning to face the doorway where I watched a familiar figure stare back at me in horror, approaching his mother slowly and wrapping his arms tightly around her. "What the hell," he hissed.

Immediately, guilt flooded me as I stared into my friends eyes. "Get this thing off me!" The man beneath me heaved, the life slowly draining from him. I snapped back to him, feeling every drop of hatred return before I reached for his throat, clamping my teeth around it and pulling, shredding his neck to pieces in an instant.

The screams behind me grew louder and more pained and I scratched and clawed at the remains of the man, desperate to make him feel the same pain I felt - even if he was already dead. I growled and snarled and barked as I ripped every one of his limbs to pieces before stepping backwards to eye my work.

There was nothing but a pile of bones and mush left on the bed, blood completely flooding the sheets and the floor. It was a horrific sight to see, however it brought the smallest amount of peace, to know the man who took everything away from me had paid for his crimes.

I slowly backed away before jumping from the bed, turning to face Mason and his mother who stood in his arms, her cries and screams never once dying down.

Mason kept his eyes locked on mine as I moved forwards. "Please don't!" His mom begged, backing up further until she was pressed into the wall.

"It's okay mom," Mason whispered softly, his jaw locked and his eyes watery. "Get out," he demanded, his voice barely a whisper. I knew he wouldn't recognise my wolf, but I was fairly certain he knew it was me. Who else would have broken into his house to kill the mayor.

I bowed my head a little, showing him I didn't intend to harm either of them, before stalking past them and out the door.

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