Chapter 55

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Liams POV:

"What?" I breathed, staring at Aiden with wide eyes.

His words played over and over in my head. Zach could come back. Surely it was too good to be true. My brother was dead... was there really a way to come back from that.

"He could come back?" Chris asked, staring at Aiden expectantly. "Are you serious?"

He nodded, looking between the two of us with an apologetic expression. "Yeah, I'm serious."

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Ryder questioned.

"I didn't want to get anyone's hopes up. It might work but... it might not," he muttered, turning to his father and taking a seat beside him.

"It worked for you," Ryder stated, his gaze fixed on Dean. "You came back to life."

Dean nodded. "My injuries would have healed instantly if it had been a full moon. So, when my body was preserved the next full moon healed me. If Zach died from blood loss, the same will happen to him."

"He was shot," I stated aloud. Did that mean it was blood loss?

"If the bullet reached his heart then this won't work. The moon can't heal a silver bullet to the heart. But if it didn't and Zach died from the amount of blood he was losing, then it should work."

"Oh my god," I muttered. I wanted more than anything in the world for my brother to come back. For Ella to be happy again. "We have to tell Ella."

"No." Aiden protested, shaking his head.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "She needs this!"

"We can't get her hopes up," he countered.

"He's right," Dean agreed, frowning, "she is already waiting for him to come back, if she knows it's a possibility then she will expect him to wake up and if he doesn't, it'll destroy her all over again."

"So we just pretend like we don't know?" I scoffed. I couldn't lie to her, not about something this important.

"We're protecting her," Ryder said with a sigh, shooting me a look.

With a heavy sigh, I nodded. "So what about moving him? Should we wait until after the full moon next weekend?" Chris asked.

"I think we should move him anyway. The funeral can be in a few weeks if he doesn't come back," Dean answered, glancing between us all with a raised eyebrow.

"Okay." Ryder nodded.

Dean sighed heavily before leaving the room, the rest of us slowly following. I heard him speaking softly to her before the sound of her sobbing drowned out whatever it was he was saying.

"No," she hiccuped as I entered the room behind my brother, a pit forming in my stomach. "You can't!"

She curled up beside Zach on the bed, her face stained by tears and her shoulders shaking from her cries. Dean sat beside her, arms wrapped around her tightly with a frown on his face.

"Come on sweetheart," he cooed, stroking her hair softly. "He can't stay here forever."

"Yes he can!" Her wails filled the room as she tried to push away from Dean, her arms reaching for Zach's body as Chris and Ryder moved towards him. "Please!"

My feet seemed to be glued to the ground as I watched her claw her way towards him. Chris and Ryder began to manoeuvre Zach's body until he was no longer on the bed. Ella's screeches only increased in volume and she started to thrash around violently in Deans hold.

"Please don't take him away!" She begged, watching as they left the room, allowing the door to close behind them. Her eyes slowly met mine as I stared in horror at the scene. "Please?"

My heart cracked in my chest and I dropped onto the bed beside her where my brothers body had been just moments ago. "I'm sorry," I told her truthfully. I reached out to take her hand and clasped it between my own, stroking my thumb across her knuckles. "But he can't stay here forever Ella."

"Please," she continued to cry, giving up with fighting and collapsing against her father. "I need him."

"It's going to be okay," I assured her.

All she could do was shake her head, her cries slowly dying down until she fell silent, her head resting on Dean's shoulder, her hands enclosed in mine and her eyes half shut.

We left Dean to spend the afternoon with Ella. She hadn't moved a muscle since her crying stopped and all she did was stare in to space, an emptiness that broke my heart residing in her eyes.

Watching her break down and cry was hard. But seeing her so completely torn apart, so lost that she couldn't move or speak or even look me in the eye. That was worse.

"I'm worried about her," I told Chris as we crossed the territory. "Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe we should have left him with her until she was ready to let go."

He shook his head, his eyes filled with unspoken emotion. "I don't think she would ever be ready to let go."

"So forcing her to was the right option?" I snapped. "Did you see her when you came back? It was like the last bit of her soul had left her, she may as well be another corpse we have to bury!"

"Hey!" My big brother called, grabbing my arm, "I know this is hard. It's hard for me too. I miss him and I miss her and I wish that we weren't in this situation but we are. Ella can't love a dead body for the rest of her life, Liam."

I nodded, sucking back the tears that threatened to fall. "I know, I just hate that we have to hurt her. I wish she knew he might come back."

"And he might not," Chris said. "Don't forget that it's a slim possibility."

I nodded again before following him in silence towards the border where a few humans were causing a scene. There had been people turning up here and there over the last few days, some in groups and some alone, in attempt to attack Ella.

We didn't know why there were never more than just a few, why the entire town wasn't forcing their way through the borders and invading.

We were just thankful that they weren't. The pack would expect their alpha to lead them into battle and Ella was hardly fit to make any kind of decisions right now, let alone fight.

When we reached the border, we saw there were a couple of idiotic teenagers milling around with pistols. I looked to Chris and rolled my eyes, knowing they were probably arrogant pricks that believed they were capable of killing a supernatural species.

"You two need to go home," Chris ordered, pushing his way through the border wolves that surrounded them.

Immediately, one of them sent a bullet to Chris's leg and he flinched a little before growing angry. "We asked for the Alpha," the guy spat, oblivious to my brothers glowing eyes. "The alpha that's a woman!"

With one swift motion, Chris ripped the gun from the kids hand and sent it flying across the ground, smirking when suddenly, the guy in front of him stood afraid and defenceless.

I approached the other one, who raised his own pistol towards Chris. "Drop the gun or your friend will die," I threatened.

Chris nodded, pleased, when the gun clattered to the ground. "Go home now and never come back," he instructed, "if you ever come back we will kill you without hesitation."

He didn't have to tell them twice, the two idiots ran as fast as humans possibly could. Without weapons, they were just defenceless children with absolutely no idea of how to kill us or the means to.

I sighed heavily. "Well that was easy," I said, turning to make my way home. "What are we going to do when those bullets," I said, nodding towards the small metal ball that Chris was pulling from his leg, "is silver? When our only option is to kill them before they kill us?"

He huffed. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that."

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