thirty six

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My eyes fluttered open as I shot my head up, inhaling sharply.

The back of my head hit the wall behind me. I winced in pain, trying to grab my throbbing head. I gasped, realizing the ropes around my body. I was tied to a chair, my arms behind the back with yet another rope digging into my wrists.

I frantically glanced around at my surroundings. The sunlight descended from the four large circles on each wall.

I was in a.... clock tower?

"What the hell?" I mumbled under my breath.

In front of me was a narrow walkway, the light diminishing at the end, but I could still make out a door frame. Beneath the isle were what seemed like thousands of flights of steps. I was clearly at the top level. I leaned forward, trying to see how far down it really was.

Suddenly, the door flew open, and I heard an evil laugh emerge from the darkness in front of me.

"Who are you?" My voice trembled with fear.

The person laughed again; it was clearly a man.

"Who are you?" I demanded this time, I couldn't show my fear. I had to put on a brave face.

He began to walk down the narrow isle. He was tall and built, he wore a white muscle tee and cargo pants. He looked to be a little younger than me.

"The question is, agent," He paused to get directly in my face, "who are you?"

"You clearly know who I am."

"Tsk tsk!" He slowly took strides in a circle around my chair, stopping directly behind me so he wasn't in my field on vision.

"My team will find me. They'll find out who you are!"

"Your team?" He chuckled as he stepped closer behind me, and whispered in my ear, "I think you mean your boyfriend. Or, should I say, dead boyfriend? I will pluck each and every one of your team apart. One bye one."

"Don't you dare!" I shouted as my mind raced with memories of my team. They weren't only my team anymore. They were my friends- my family. I wasn't about to let this strange man kill me, who knows who he would go after next.

"Just like you did to our family!" He roared in my ear, causing me to flinch.

"Our? Who the fuck are you!"

He titled the chair so I was looking out one of the clock windows. I took a deep breath, I knew exactly where I was. We were overlooking Prospect Hill Cemetery- where my father was buried.

I grit my teeth, "Why have you brought me here!? Who are you?"

"I guess Ryan never told you, huh?"


"You will never get away with this!" I shouted.

"Oh, but I already have!" I saw my reflection through the large blade he pulled out and placed in front of my face. It was like he wanted me to see.

My eyes were surrounded by large black and blue bruises. I had dried blood dripping from my nose. I looked horrible.

All of the sudden, he pressed the knife beneath my chin, raising it so I was forced to look up at him towering above me.

"You'll be dead before they arrive!" He trailed the blade along my jaw, stinging it ever so slightly.

I tried to bite back the pain, "No!"

He removed the knife from my jaw, and I almost sighed in relief, but of course that would be too soon.

My eyes slowly rolled to the back of my head as I felt the shooting pain in my side. I felt the oozing blood and I knew I had to try and fight. I couldn't just close my eyes and give up.

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