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My alarm blared throughout the room. I groaned as I reached over to turn it off.

6:30 am, way too early. Work was extremely boring just sitting around all day, I dreaded going every morning. I know deep down I'm helping someone; whether that means helping another agent in the office, or a victim out in the world. That's all that matters to me.

I brushed my teeth before putting my hair in a quick bun. I then slid on light grey Walmart sweatpants, so I didn't show the world my bare ass.

"Gunner! Let's go outside!" I yelled as I grabbed his leash and opened the door.

We quickly walked to the park located across from my building, and I let him go in the grass as I waited on the sidewalk. After going number one and two, he ran right back to me, and we headed home.

I opened the door to our apartment and set Gunner on the ground. I fed him, then went to get ready for work.

I washed my face before putting on my black dress pants and blue button up. It was comfortable enough to sit around in, but still nice enough to wear to work. I took my hair out of the bun and brushed it out. I lightly curled it so it fell against my back into loose waves. I quickly did my makeup, which consisted of a thin layer of foundation and mascara.

Once I was ready, I said goodbye to Gunner, grabbed my bag, and headed out the door. I knocked on my neighbor's door as she greeted me with a smile.

My neighbor Tabitha is a 23 year old college student trying to make money. She took online classes, so she was always home. She watched Gunner for me when I was at work.

"Good morning, sleepy head!" I laughed as she opened the door and yawned. Her short blonde hair was a mess, and I could tell she had just gotten out of bed. "I took Gunner to the park about an hour ago, he peed and pooped, then I fed him." I told her.

She nodded to indicate she understood as I handed her my house key and left.

I exited my building and walked to my car. I started the engine and  the radio automatically started playing Daft Pretty Boys by Bad Suns. I turned it up and started my fifteen minute drive to work.

I parked the car and started towards the building. I could tell today was going to be a long one. I entered and gave faint smiles to the other busy agents. I walked to the elevator and waited for it to open.

When it opened, about six agents were standing there, looking very rushed. I quickly backed out of their way, and watched as they ran out of the building to their black SUV.

I longed to be just like them one day. Sounds corny, I know, but I could only imagine feeling that rush of adrenaline every day. They were the agents in the field, saving victims daily.

I snapped out of my thoughts, as I stepped into the elevator they had just exited from. I clicked the level three button, and the door closed.

When the elevator reached my floor, I stepped off and headed towards my desk. From a distance, I could see my partner seated at his desk that was directly opposite of mine. He had been away for a little bit, so I hadn't seen him in a while.

"Hey, stranger!" He said.

"Anderson! How are you?" I smiled as I got closer and set my bag on my desk.

"I'm just glad to be back. The wedding was nice, but I can't stand being near my brothers that long." He laughed, "How have you been?"

"I'm good, it's been very lonely without you though." I said almost jokingly. Although, I wasn't joking. I didn't really talk to anyone else besides him, so while he was gone I was completely alone.

Anderson and I have been partners for about a year now, well ever since I started working in this unit. However, he has been here much longer than me. He knows everyone and does way more. Sometimes he even gets to assist the BAU. If i'm being honest, I am extremely  jealous of  Grant Anderson. He was respected.

I sat down at my desk and sighed as I noticed the mound of files and papers we had to go through.

Anderson laughed, "Well, I didn't miss this" he stated as we both grabbed a file. I was right, today was going to be a long one.


A few hours had passed of the two of us doing paperwork and having small talk. I was extremely bored, but at least the cases I was organizing were interesting. I tried imagining myself in these situations, being apart of the BAU. It sounded perfect.

This has been my schedule for an entire year. Take care of Gunner, talk to Anderson, do paperwork. I needed change. I wanted to experience the rush of being in the field, but I knew it was impossible.

That is, until about two weeks later.

I feel like this book is already so predictable and basic ahhh. I'm trying really hard to be creative and come up with a good plot. Anyways, how do I get more people to find my book? Thanks!

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