Chapter 30

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Father's bed ^^^^^

Asher's pov

After waking up to Cole trying to shove a crayon up my nose we went downstairs to help Oli fix breakfast. I don't know why he didn't just wake me up to help him. I guess he didn't want to deal with me.

When we got downstairs Eric was sitting at the table sick with what I'm guessing is a hangover. He doesn't even look up when we come in.

"You need any help?" I asked Oli as I sit Cole down in a seat at the table.

"You could start working on the toast. I've almost got everything else done." Oli tells me pointing to the loaf of bread on the counter. I grab it and start filling the toaster with the bread. The toaster has 4 slots so it won't take long to make all the toast.

By the time breakfast gets done the man's still not awake. Eric eats three plates full of food before he leaves. I can tell it's upsetting Oli that he's leaving already and I don't know why. He's not stopping any of this so he's just as crazy as the man is. If we ever get to go home I'm going to make sure he's put in jail just like the man. He could easily call the cops on him and get us out of here! Surely he knows that the man kills innocent kids right?

"Hey Eric knows the man kidnaps and kills kids right?" I whisper to Oli while we sit at the table waiting for the man to wake up.

"Yeah he knows." Oli answers with a shrug. I just don't get how he can act so calm during all this. He's just always so void of emotion like none of this is going on!

"And you still like him?! How can you like a person like that? He could easily call the cops and get us out of here but instead he helps him!" I can't help but snap! This is just ridiculous!

"He's nothing like father is! He's the only kind person I've so much as seen in the last nine years so forgive me if I just so happen to cling to him! Besides they are brothers you wouldn't do something to send your brother to jail would you?" He snaps back at me.

"I would if he was a Psychopath serial killer! I'd be the first to send him to jail or to a mental hospital to get help!" I all but screams back at him.

Our conversation is interrupted by the sound of someone clearing their throat. Me and Oli both snap our heads to the direct of the sound as the man walks in. He's dressed in his work clothes and is carrying a brief case. I wonder if that has stuff in it about our case. Oli quickly jumps up and starts making him a cup of coffee.

"Pour my coffee to go I'm late for work." The man tells Oli in a hurry. Oli nods and starts pouring the coffee in a cup with a lid. "Oh yeah I need the whole house cleaned today including my room, the dogs need to be cleaned, and the yard needs to be mowed." The man starts naming things he needs us to do. It's going to be a long day with all these chores.

Oli nods as he hands the man his coffee cup and we both watch as he leaves in a rush.

We both get up to get started on the chores, but first I go to find Cole and make sure he's okay. I find him playing with his toys in the room.

"Can you play with me bubba?" Cole asks while trying to hand me one of his toy cars.

"I can't right now but ill try to later on okay?" I hate that I can't play with him. I know this has all been so hard on him and he needs a little attention from me but I just can't right now. A disappointed look comes over his face before he nods his head and goes back to playing. "But hey why don't you go watch some TV? I'm sure there's some cartoons on!" I tell him to cheer him up.

"Oh yeah! Paw patrol might be on!" He says as he jumps up abandoning his toys to go watch his favorite show. It amazes me how happy and energetic he is even through all of this. I hope one day at least he gets to go home to our parents, but that's looking unlikely even more everyday.

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