Chapter 15

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Asher's pov

After dinner Cole showed me our room which we unfortunately have to share with Oli. There's a single bed and a bunk bed. Me and Cole are supposed to share the bunk bed but I decided to sleep on the bottom bunk with him. After he showed me our room we went to the bathroom and I gave him a quick bath and then got a shower myself. I made him stay in the bathroom while I took it that way I could watch after him. The warm water stung my back at first but then it started to feel good on my tight muscles. I try to take a quick shower because the man doesn't like us to take long. Not that I care what he likes and doesn't like but I don't need to be locked back up tonight. I finally get done with my shower and dry myself off. Cole's already dried off and got his pj's on. I looked through our drawers in our chest-of-drawers and I found some of the clothes we brought with us but also some new clothes that he must have bought for us. He mudt have looked at the clothes we brought and picked out the sizes by those because he got the exact right sizes. After getting my clothes on I rub the towel through my head until its dry enough that it won't completely soak my pillow. Oli said he didn't need my help cleaning up so after our shower we went straight to bed.

Of course I didn't go to sleep though. Firstly who could sleep in a situation like this. Secondly we've got to make a move tonight. Who knows if I'll be thrown back into the shed tomorrow and who knows for how long! I snuggle Cole into me so he can get a little bit of sleep before we take off. The woods out back look like they go on forever but I'd rather get lost in the woods than to be stuck here any longer. After a few minutes Oli comes in and gets in the bed. I decide to wait a few hours to make sure the man is asleep too. It's really hard to stay awake since I'm so exhausted but I know I have to do this now. There more than likely won't be another chance for a while. I'm honestly surprised I'm being allowed to sleep in the house since today is the first day I've been let out. Wait! What if it's a test? What if the man is waiting for us down stairs? I haven't heard him come up stairs yet but then again he could have just fallen asleep on the couch. Ugh! I don't know! If we get caught he will hurt Cole! Maybe I should just wait and make him trust me more.

"Bubby!" Cole whines as he wakes up.

"Hey what's wrong?" I whisper to him when tears form in his eyes.

"I- I miss mommy and daddy! Papa said I'm not a-allowed to mention them, b-but I miss them so much!" He cries snuggling into me. That's when I make up my mind.

"Come on we are getting out of here." I whisper to him. "But you have to be very very very quiet." I whisper again hoping I don't wake Oli up. I put Coles shoes on him and then slip mine on. "You can't say a word until we get out of the house and far away okay?" I whisper to him again.

"Okay bubby!" He whisper-yells. I give him a look that says be quiet. I look back at Oli to make sure he hasn't woken up. Luckily he doesn't seem to have even budged. I lead Cole over to the door and open it as quietly as possible. Slipping out without waking Oli up.

I pick Cole up so he doesn't make a lot of noise going down the stairs. I hear the tv still playing in the livingroom but I also hear snoring so that means he's asleep. I set Cole down beside me as I unlock the back door and open it as quietly as possible. It's really dark outside without any lights on. It's almost scary. The only light is the moon light which is outlining the shed as if telling me this is a bad idea.

"Okay Cole we've got to run through the woods. I need you to hold my hand and no matter what do not let go!" I emphasize the "do not" part to make sure he understands how important this is. He nods his head in understanding. So I grab his hand that isn't holding his bunny and we take off running towards the woods. We aren't going as fast as I'd like to go but I know his little legs can't go as fast as mine. I wish I had the strength to just pick him up and carry him but I can hardly hold my self up, but I can't stop not now. I've got to get Cole away from here.

"Bubby I'm tired!" Cole whines after we've only been running for maybe 15 minutes.

"Okay maybe we are far enough we can walk for a bit." I tell him slowing down to a walk. He lets go of my hand and snuggles his bunny closer to him.

We walk for another 30 minutes before Cole starts whining again. As I'm fixing to answer him I swear I hear a bell ring off in the distance, but then just as it starts it stops. Maybe that means we are close to a town!

"Come on Cole! We are almost there!" I all but jump up in down with excitement. Oli lied we really are close to people! I can't believe we actually made it! We just have to find the town, get someone to let us in, use their phone and call the police! Then we can lead them back to the house and the man will be arrested! I grab Cole and I force him to pick up the speed. We are almost there! We are almost free!

There's another chapter!! Hehe! Sooooo thoughts??? I love all the comments they make my day!!

So do you think they are gonna get free?? :D

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow if you haven't already!! Also if you know anyone that might like this book tell them about it! I would love for more people to read it! 😁

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