Chapter 2

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Our meal was silent like always. He doesn't like a bunch of chatting while he's eating. I finish my food before he gets done with his since I had a smaller portion. I sit and wait until he gets finished.
Rule number 36 never leave the table until everyone is finished.
Finally he eats his last bite of soup and stacks his dishes and puts his dirty napkin in his bowl. I copy him then stand up and grab both stacks and take them to the sink. I start washing them and usually he gets up from the table and goes to watch TV but this time he doesn't move from the table.

"There's another one in the shed now." He tells me as he scoots his chair back to get up.

"Do I feed him now or wait?" I ask which I really shouldn't have I know the answer everytime.

"Do you ever feed them on the first week?" He answers my question with a rhetorical question. Like I said I really shouldn't have asked.

"No sir. Does he have any injures?" I ask hoping to stir him away from the last question.

"No I caught this one by surprise so no injuries. Just need you to get his name and everything." He tells me as he grabs another beer out of the fridge.

"Okay yes sir." I answer as he leaves the room. I finish up the dishes then grab his empty beer bottle from the table and throw it in the garbage. Same ole routine everytime. Once I get done with cleaning the kitchen I grab a set of keys off of a hook by the door and head outside. I'm sure fathers watching me through the cameras but even if he wasn't I wouldn't try running off. I've already made that mistake one to many times. The back yard is surprisingly clean. Probably because one of my weekly chores is to cut the gas and keep it clean. Right behind the cabin is a two seater swing. I use to sit on it when I didn't have anything to do but during the day it's right in the sun and gets really hot so I decided to move to my new favorite spot. An old cedar tree on the edge of the woods. That way I'm as far from the house and shed as possible but still in view of father so he doesn't get angry. 

On the opposite side of the house is the shed. Its an old metal shed that looks like it wouldn't even hold a rake without it falling apart, but it can and does hold way more than just a rake. When you first walk in it looks like a plain old shed. Its filled with all kinda of tools. Rakes, hoes, shovels, the push mower, all kinds of things you would find in a shed, except for on the floor hidden under a pile of wooden planks is a trap door. The trap door leads down into a basement area that father dug out years ago. It's also where he keeps all his victims and also where I'm headed to now.

When you open the trap door you go down 15 steps, yes I've counted them. The stench of blood and human feces hits you as soon as you open the door and no matter how much I smell it it still makes me gag. When you make it to the bottom the room only has three things in it. On the right is a cabinet that holds all of fathers torture devices and a binder that holds all of the victims names and different information, on the far left wall is a table father uses sometimes for the victims, and of course right in the middle of the room is the victim. He is chained to a metal ring in the floor. On the ring is a lock that can only be unlocked with the key I have so that when need be I can unlock it and hook the chains to some more chains hanging from the metal roof. The chains on the roof are connected to a wench that can be used to pull the victim to their feet or hung from the roof.

This time the victim, a boy that looks close to my age, is push against the wall as far as the chains will let him. He is also naked because father says it makes them feel more vulnerable which is true. I was once that way. The boy finally notices I'm in the room and flinches trying to push himself even farther into the wall. I just roll my eyes and walk over to the large cabinet and pull open one of the drawers pulling out a big thick red binder. I open it up and unclip the pen from inside getting it ready to use. After that I unlock the top part of the cabinet and pull out an electric razor and a Polaroid camera. The top part holds all the torture devices so it has to remain locked at all times. Finally I walk over to the boy and set the note book out of his reach. One time a kid tried to knock me out with the note book so now I'm more cautious with it.

"I need you to stand up." I tell him in a monotone voice. I have to show no emotion so they won't try to get to me.

"Pl-please please let me go. I-i wanna go home please!" The kid crys but doesn't move. Ugh I hate when they do this. It's so annoying.

"I said stand up." I command him once again while ignoring his pleas. He slowly stands up while trying to cover his body with his hands.
"Hold still" I tell him as I turn on the electric razor.

"W-wait what are you doing?" He asks as I bring it closer to him.

"I'm cutting your hair now be still." I command once again but he back away from me trying to cover his head.

"No! No! Please don't." He begs. Why do they always have to be so difficult. I grab his arm and pull him towards me.

"Be still or I'll have to hook you to the wench." I get a grip on his arm and start shaving his head, his brown hair falling straight to the ground. Father says shaving their head makes them feel more vulnerable also. After you become part of the family he lets you grow it out how you want but so far I'm the only one to make it that far. Finally I get all the hair shaved off and let go of his arm. He moves away from me as quick as possible. I can see that he is shivering from either the cold or from being scare. Probably both. I bend down and gather up the hair taking it and putting it in a bucket in the corner of the room that is to be his toilet for as long as he is here.

"P-please just let me go! Please! Please! I-i won't tell anyone anything! Please! O-or I c-can tell the cops and they can free you too! Please! I'll do anything just let me go home!" He begs me but once again I just ignore him. There's nothing I can do about it. I tried helping someone escape one time but of course they were caught and I was punished so bad I couldn't walk for a week. I go back over to him and tell him to look up at me. When he does I take a picture of him with the camera and wait for it to print the photo. Once the photo is printed I tape it to the top left corner of the paper and then sit down in front of him while pulling the notebook into my lap and begin my questioning.

Well that's all for this chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow!

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