Chapter 16

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That is what the dogs look like! ^^^^^^^^

Asher's pov

Dang it why can't we find this town! I wish the bells would ring again so I can figure out what direction to go in. The last time it rang the wind was blowing to hard to figure out where it's coming from.

"Bubby bunny!" Cole screams.

"You have your bunny! Hurry up we have to find this town." I tell him without turning around.

"No! Bunny! Let go!" Cole whines again pulling against my hand. I turn around this time to see he doesn't have his bunny in his hand. Instead its in the mouth of a dog. I'm not sure what breed it is. It's to dark to tell but I do know it's growling at us. I instantly push Cole behind me. The dog drops Cole's bunny but still growls at us. A start slowly making Cole back up while I stay in front of him.

"Good doggy! Stay. Stay right there." I say as we continue backing away from it. I stop when I hear a growl come from behind us. All the sudden we are surrounded on all sides by these dogs. Where did they even come from? Maybe that means we really are near a town. Maybe we wondered onto someone else's land! I'm brought out of my thoughts by the sound of a vehicle. It almost sounds like a four-wheeler but im not sure. I look around trying to see if I see anyone but I see nothing but woods and these dogs.

"HELLO! PLEASE HELP US!" I scream hoping whoever is out there can call these dogs off and help us. The sound of the vehicle keeps getting closer until I can make out a four wheeler. The dogs are still growling at us and not budging at the sound of the vehicle. Finally the vehicle is close enough I can make out a man on top of it and then I see another four wheeler behind it. Suddenly realization hits me when I see a kid on the four wheeler. No! It can't be! Finally the four wheeler stops right in front of us and yes it is... it's the man and Oli!

"Well well what do we have here." The man says as him and Oli get off the four wheeler. Then he tells the dogs to heal. To which they sit down but still surround us so we can't run. I set Cole down and push him behind me again.

"J-just leave us alone!" Dang it I hate how my voice cracked. We can't go back. He will kill us. This can't be happening. He just ignores me and walks up to us. Then he grabs me by the hair and throws me to the ground.
I see Oli pick up Coles bunny and starts walking towards him. I quickly get up and run over to Cole. I push Oli to the ground in the process.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yell at him as I push Cole behind me again. The man walks towards us grabbing my hair again but this time he doesn't throw me down. This time he uses his other hand to punch me in the nose. God he hits so hard. When I reach up to hold onto my nose he throws a punch to my stomach. I swear I hear some ribs crack. I let go of my nose to hold my stomach. Everything hurts so bad I don't know what hurts worse. He kicks me in the stomach over and over again.

"Bubby! Stop! Don't hurt him!" Cole shouts as he tries to break out of Oli's arms.

"Take Cole back on to the house. I'll be right behind you." The man tells Oli. Who picks Cole up and carries him to the four wheeler he drove. When did they get four wheelers anyways? I've never seen them around the house, but that's probably because I just got out of the shed and haven't had much time out of the house.

"No! D-dont- touch-h-him!" I get out between breathes.

"Shut up! You're in enough trouble as it is! You just don't know how much trouble you're in." The man tells me with another kick to the stomach. I need to get up to help Cole but I can hardly hold my head up. My eye's start to close, but I open them up when another kick lands on my stomach.

"Don't you fall asleep in my now. We aren't even close to finish." The man tells me. When I open my eyes Oli and Cole are gone. I didn't even hear the four wheeler start up. I feel the man pick me up and put me on the back of his four wheeler. "You better hold on tight. If not you'll fall off."

Before I can grab on he takes off causing me to almost fall off but I manage to grab on at the last minute. We were so close. Town was right there. This can't be happening. It feels like it only takes 10 minutes to get back to the house. Even though it felt like we had been walking for hours. When we make it back I don't see Oli or Cole anywhere. They must be inside or already in the shed.

The man cuts his four-wheeler off and pushes me off the back if it. I land on the ground with a thump hitting my head on the ground. As I reach up to grab my head he kicks me in my stomach. When I reach down to hold my stomach he grabs me by the hair and starts dragging me to the shed. I try standing up to release some of the pressure on my hair but I can't stand up fast enough to keep up with his pace.

"Stop! Please stop! HELP! SOMEONE HELP! STOP! LET ME GO!" I resort to begging and screaming hoping by some miracle that someone will hear me. He doesn't listen to me as he continues to drag me. He unlocks the door to the shed while keeping his grip on my hair. Then he kicks the wooden planks off the top of the door leading into the place we've been held. Opening that door he shoves me in causing me to fall down the stairs I catch myself about half way down so I'm not to hurt. The little bit of light coming in disappears as he shuts the door tightly. I can't see anything because it's so dark but I hear him walking down the steps so I quickly stand and run down the stairs so he can't throw me down again. Once I make it to the bottom I run to the cabinet that holds all his torture devices and try to pull it open to find anything I could use as a weapon. Just my luck the cabinet won't open but I finally get a drawer on the bottom to open. All thats in it is a razor and the red binder Oli wrote stuff in the first day. I quickly pick the binder up just as I hear him hit the last steps.

"Now now! Don't make this any harder than it has to be Asher. Get it in your head that you aren't leaving here EVER!" He yells at the end causing me to involuntarily flinch. I hold the binder up to try and block him. I know my attempts are futile but I've got to try at least. I can't go down without a fight.

"J-just leave use alone! Please! We just wanna go home!" I beg as he takes a step towards me.

"This is your new home now and the sooner you except that the sooner your life can get better. Your brother has excepted it so why can't you?" He asks me as he takes another step closer. I take a step back to put as much room between us as possible.

"NO! IT'S NOT AND IT NEVER WILL BE! YOU BRAINWASHED MY BROTHER JUST LIKE YOU DID TO OLI!" I screamed back at him. He doesn't answer so I continue in a normal voice. "Why are you doing this? Why won't you just let us go? We have our own family. Why can't you just adopt a kid that needs a family instead of kidnapping those that have one?" During all this he keeps stepping forward causing me to step back, eventually hitting the wall behind me. He stops walking right in front of me grabbing the binder out of my hands and throwing it behind him. Trapped between him in the corner I have no where to go. I try kicking him where the sun don't shine but he catches my knee and slams it back by my side.

"I'm just taking back what was taken from me." He whispers in my ear before he punches me in the face knocking me out.

Another chapter!! I was gonna try to upload sooner but I've had alot going on!

So thoughts? Do you think there is a town near by or what? What do you thinks going to happen next?

Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! Also share this story with anyone you think might like it!! Thanks for reading! Also there's a picture of what the cabinet looks like below! vvvvvvvv

Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! Also share this story with anyone you think might like it!! Thanks for reading! Also there's a picture of what the cabinet looks like below! vvvvvvvv

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