Chapter 7

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All I could think about while making breakfast the next morning was going down into the shed to see what he meant by them. I mean surely he didn't kidnap two kids? Did he? I've been here nine years and he has never ever brought back more than one and he has never brought one back so soon after killing another one! I'm putting the last piece of toast on fathers plate when I hear him coming down the stairs. I quickly put the plate in his spot, grab his cup of coffee and set it on his plate, then go to stand behind my chair right as he makes it down. He wastes no time in sitting down and motioning for me to sit down. He seems to be in a good mood this morning but I don't wanna test it so I keep my mouth shut. It's really silent in the room until he decides to speak up.

"Don't bother shaving their heads. I quite like their fluffy hair." I about choke on my water when I realize what he said.

"Father? May I ask you a question?" I ask treading lightly. He seems in a good mood now but that could change any minute.

"What is it Oli?" He asks in a caring tone. Okay this is really weird!

"Um I was just um wondering um wh-whats going on? Y-you are acting so different." I speak barely above a whisper with my head down playing with my fingers as I speak.

He just shrugs his shoulders as he finishes chewing up a bite of his eggs. "I think I've found your brothers. I can't be sure yet but it just feels right. We've still got to put them through the tests and everything but I really really think they are the ones."

"R-really? If they are does that mean we can stop searching now?" So far he's taking the questions good so i decide to push my luck a little farther.

"I don't know Oli. It just depends on how this turns out and how I feel if it does work out. You know your mother always wanted a lot of kids so maybe we will honor her wishes. I dont know we will just have to see." I swear this is the most he's ever said to me when he's not getting on to me. I don't know what he means by my mother. He sometimes says stuff like that and I don't know if he's talking about my old mother or someone in our made up family. I tried asking him one time and that only caused him to blow up. He said I only had one mother, his wife, but it still confused me. I don't say anything back and finally he gets done eating and goes upstairs to get dressed for work while I get his lunch packed and ready to go.

After he leaves I have to do all my chores before I can go check on the kids in the shed. I wonder how many it is? Are they all gonna be chained up or will they all try to attack me when i open the door? I'm pretty strong but if there's a lot of them attacking me at once I don't think ill be able to hold them back. Which it doesn't really matter if they get out of the shed or not because they won't make it to any civilization before they are stopped. I finally finish all my chores around 12 and drink me a glass of water before grabbing the keys off the key holder by the door and heading outside to the shed. I move the planks that hide the door and unlock the lock before heading down the steps making sure I close the door behind me. So far I haven't been attacked so surely he chained them up. One time he had someone down here and he didn't chain them up on purpose just to test me to see if I could handle them. Of course I didn't let him down.

When I get down the steps the first thing I notice is a kid around my age sitting on the floor with chains around his wrists. His blond wavy hair was in front of his face as he was looking down at another boy who was laying on his lap. The other boy was way younger. Maybe around 5 or 6 years old. They were obviously brothers because the younger one had blonde hair like the older one. The older one was brushing his hands through the little ones hair while the little one looked to be asleep. The older one had no clothes on but father did let the younger one keep his clothes. Which was surprising. When I first got here I didn't get to keep mine.

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