Chapter 11

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Oli pov

*two weeks later*

It's been two weeks since the beaten and so far Asher has been good. He did freak out once he saw Coles hair but settled down as soon as father came down in the shed. Father's been allowing Cole to sleep inside at night and stay up most of the day. Which is really annoying Because I have to watch him and deal with his whining. He is constantly whining about being bored. I told him to read a book but that didn't hold his attention long enough. Father eventually went and bought him a few toys but only because once father gets home Cole starts whining to him about being bored. Right now Father's at work but it won't be much longer until he's home. Cole is currently sitting by me under my tree playing with his toy cars and bunny in the grass.

"I'm hot!" He stops pushing his car and whines. I ignore him and continue reading my book.

"Ooollliiiii! I said I'm hot!!" He whines louder while throwing his toy car at me. It hits me right in the head.

"Alright this toy is going in the garbage now!" I tell him sternly setting the toy beside me.

"Noooooo!! Please! I didn't mean to throw it!" He cries again standing up to grab the toy from me.

"To bad. You gotta learn not to throw stuff." He starts crying when I say this. After a minute of him crying I tell him. "If you can sit there and be quiet another 10 minutes then we will go in and I'll think about giving the toy back after supper."

"NO! I want it now! If you don't give it to me I'll tell Papa!" He tells me with a stomp of his foot.

"You know what I don't care! Tell him! He isn't going to do anything but take it away completely!" I tell him as I stand up and stomp off towards the house. He follows after me crying.

"I WANT BUBBY!!" He screams after me.

"YOU KNOW WHAT! FINE ILL TAKE YOU DOWN TO YOUR BROTHER AND YOU'LL STAY THERE!" I scream back at him. I then grab the keys from the kitchen and march him to the shed. I move planks off the trap down and unlock it running down the steps with him following. "There are you happy now?" He runs over to his brother who sits up quickly.

"What's going on? Whats wrong?" He asks as he holds onto Cole tightly.

"Maybe you can get him to shut up and stop whining." I tell him as I turn around and start walking out. I hear Cole telling his older brother that I took his toy away and that I was boring. I rolled my eyes at that last bit and keep on walking. I lock the trap door and put the wood planks to cover it back on top and then leave the shed. Finally some peace and quiet! Now it's time to cook supper before father gets home. Tonight father said he wants some fried chicken tenders and fries so I guess that's what I'm making. I put the chicken out to thaw earlier so it's thawed by now. First I cut it up into tenders and cut all the fat off of it. Then I mix up my flour, salt, and pepper for the breading. Now while the fryer is heating up I peel some potatoes and cut them up into fries. After that's done I start cooking them in the fryer.

As if on right on cue father walks in from work and heads up stairs to take a shower. He takes a quick one and comes down and we sit down to eat once again. Nothing new ever happens it's the same thing over and over again every single day.

"Where's Cole?" Father asks once he notices Coles not in here.

"He wouldn't quit whining and saying he wants his brother so I locked him down there with him." I answer him with a shrug.

Father doesn't say anything at first. He just continues eating his food in silence. Finally he finishes and sets his napkin on top of his empty plate. He continues to sit there as I finish eating. I've always been a slow eater so even though I have less then him he finishes before me. Once I finish I get up to start washing the dishes. He stays seated with isnreally rare but he seems to be in deep thought.

"You know Asher hasn't caused any problems the last few weeks so I was thinking about letting him out for a bit to see how he does." Father tells me after a few minutes.

I stay quiet for a minute to process what he just said and to think of a reply that won't make him mad.
"Well of course it's up to you, but I-I honestly don't think you should yet father. I-i just don't think h-hes ready. I just know any chance he gets to escape he will take it!"

"Hmm well even once out of the shed he can't go anywhere so since im off work tomorrow we can let him out and I'll keep an eye on him." Father tells me and stands up from the table signaling that he's done talking about it and he's made up his mind. I know there's no way they can escape but I also know Asher will try no matter what and that's just gonna put a lot more stress on me and it's gonna make father mad which is never a good idea! Tomorrow is gonna be a very long day!

Yay! Another chapter done! I promise more exciting chapters are coming soon! Very soon!!

So how do you think Asher will do once he gets out of the shed? Do you think he will try to escape right away? Do you think he will still have an attitude or did father finally beat it out of him? I wanna hear your thoughts!!

As always don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow!! And a big thanks to all my wonderful reader!! <3

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