Chapter 13

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Asher's pov

After we made it inside Oli places a plate of eggs and toast on the table and the man tells me to sit down and eat.

"I'm not hungry." I tell them. Right at that moment my stomach growls exposing my lie.

"Again I said eat and if you lie again you'll go right back in the shed." The man says. I stand there for a second and decide it's better for me to eat. I've got to get my strength back up if I'm going to get us out of here. So I pick up the fork and start eating. It takes everything in me not to eat it all in one big bite. The man walks out of the room leaving just me and Oli. Oli just stands there staring at me like if he looks away I'll disappear.

"You know he wants to go ahead and let you stay out of the shed." Oli tells me as I finish the rest of the eggs. I ignore him like he does me. Once I eat the last bite of eggs I put the fork on the plate and slide it towards him. I then cross my arms over my chest and glare at him. He just grabs the plate and turns to the sink and starts washing it and the fork. I take this time to look around the kitchen. Its not real big but its a decent size. I'm currently sitting at the table which is facing the sink. To the right of the sink is the stove.

"Bubby!" I turn around to see Cole running towards me with the man following.

"Hey baby!" I tell him as I hug him tightly. We break from the hug and he jumps up to sit in my lap.

"Cole get in your own seat." The man tells him.

"No he's fine where he is!" I tell the man as I tighten my grip on Coles waist. Mine and the man's eyes meet and we both stare to see who will look away first

"Cole now!" The man saids with a more stern tone without looking away from me. Cole looks up at me with tears in his eyes silently begging me to let him do as the man says. I just hold on tighter trying to tell him I won't let him get hurt. "Alright I guess you want your bunny taken away?" The man threatens taking a step towards us.

"No! No! Please! Bubby let me down!" He begs me as he trys squirm out of my arms.

"I said he's fine where he is!" I snap. The man's face turns right from being so mad as he walks up to me and Cole. First he snatches Coles bunny out of he hands then pulls my arms off of Cole and yanks him up.

"STOP! DON'T TOUCH HIM!" I yell as I stand up to get Cole back. As soon as i stand up I'm sent falling to the ground by a slap to the face.

"Cole get in your own seat NOW!" The man yells at Cole. I look up and see Cole coward away to a different seat.

"And you! Get up and get in your seat! If I hear one more peep out of you I'll lock Cole down in the shed by him self and he will have a chance to meet the whip! AM I CLEAR?!" I yells as he points his finger at me. I want to get up and fight. I want to get me and Cole out of here before he ends up getting hurt. I want to kill this man that dares to threaten Cole, but im to weak. So instead if talking or fighting back I get up and do as he says. My cheek stings from where he slapped me and I just know a bruise is forming.

"I SAID AM I CLEAR!" He yells when all I do is sit down.

"Y-yes!" I mumble hoping that'll be enough to satisfy him, but just my luck its not.

"Yes WHAT!" He asks.

I sigh before saying yes sir.

"Good now Oli fix Cole a plate to eat while I go get the stuff for Asher." The man tells Oli who immediately obeys. He's suck a wimp! If we both fought back against him at the same time we could get out of here.

"Papa wait! Can I have my bunny back please!" Cole whines. Ugh why does he has to call him that. I want to yell at him to tell him not to call the man that but I know I need to just keep my mouth shut for now.

"I'll decide after supper tonight." He doesn't even turn around when he answers and just keeps on walking. Cole pouts as he begins eating his eggs and toast.

"You really should just stop fighting. It'll do you no good to keep on. Can't you see all its doing is getting you and Cole hurt?" Oli says to me. This makes my blood boil! How can he stand there and tell me to give up?

"Let me tell you something you wimp! I will NEVER stop fighting. I will never just give up like you have!" I all but yell at him.

"Well once you've been here as long as I have you'll see! You'll see just how stupid your escape attempts are. There is no leaving here! Ever!" He snaps back at me.

I go to snap back at him but the man walks in halting all conversation. He has a bag in his hairs with something in it but I can't tell what.

"Alright Oli here." He throws the bag on the table in front of me. Oli walks over and pulls the bag closer to him. He pulls out a pair of gloves and a box of hair dye.

"Oh heck no!" I go to jump up out of the chair only for the man to push me back down in the chair.

"Either you sit down and behave or ill tie you to the chair!" The man commands me. I decide just to sit still because I really don't want to be restrained. I just huff and cross my arms over my chest. The man backs up and Oli takes his place. First Oli puts the gloves on and the he squirts the cold hair dye all over my blonde hair. I can't see my self at all so I don't know if its working but I imagine it is. After letting it sit a while he tells me to follow him upstairs where he has me take my shirt off so I don't get it wet and bend over the bathtub to rinse my hair. He scrubs the excess dye out and finally lets me stand up. I almost lose my balance from standing up so fast. He grabs a towel and hands it to me so I can dry my hair off. I run it through my hair real fast and then walk over infront of the mirror. My once blonde hair is now dark black. I have dark bags under my eyes from not sleeping and I have dark bruises all over my chest from being hit or kicked. The bruise on my cheek is now a dark blue, black and purple. I turn around to try and see my back. All I can see is a few pick scars. I hope they fade away completely before we get out of here but some of them were so deep I doubt they will.

"Alright let's go." Oli tells me after he hangs the towel on the shower rod and throws his gloves in the garbage.

"Why? Why is he doing this to us?" I ask without turning away from the mirror.

"Because he wants a family." Oli states the exact same thing he's told me before.

"So why doesn't he just get a girlfriend and get her pregnant or heck even go adopt some kids? Why kidnap kids that already have families? I mean there are tons of kids out there that need a family! Why not get them instead of kids that don't even want to be here?" I rant. By now I'm turned around facing him. I look him in the eyes and I can see the wheels turning in his head. I can see him debating on what he should and shouldn't tell me.

"I don't know okay! I have no idea why he does this or what goes through his mind! You really think he talks to me about stuff like that? Well he doesn't! I'm just like you! Kidnapped! Except I've learned there's no escape. There's no getting out of here! You really think I didn't fight? I did! I fought really really hard to get away from here! He MURDERED my mother right in front of me! You really think I just want to stay here but after being here for as long as I have you just give up! Okay! And you'll learn soon enough! There is no escape!" He snaps at me. I swear I saw tears in his eyes but he turns away and storms off to fast for me to tell. I'm actually shocked that the man murdered his mother. Surely he's not really capable of murder! That's just a front he puts up to scare us! Right? I hope so anyways. Eventually I follow him downstairs and go to find Cole.

Yay another chapter!!! I've got a big chapter in my head that will be really exciting but I can't do it just yet bc it's way to soon!

So now Asher and Cole both have black hair! What do you think about that?? Crazy right!?!?!

Don't forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow!! Thanks for reading!

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