Chapter 33

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Asher's pov

***start of flash back***

"We just got off the air plane." I tell my mom over the phone. We just landed so I called them to see where they are.

"Okay baby we are stuck in traffic but we should be there in about 30 minutes. Just find a seat somewhere and I'll call you as soon as we get there!" My mom tells me. Of course they are late! They are always late.

"Okay well I'm starving so I'm gonna find somewhere to get something." I tell them as my stomach growls. Flying always makes me so hungry. I could have ordered something while we were still on the plane but I probably would have gotten sick if I ate while flying. Plus Cole always gets sick on the flights and i definitely couldn't have given him anything!

"Okay just don't go to far from the airport and keep a close eye on Cole you know how he likes to wander off." My mom tells me causing me to glance at Cole who is holding tight to my hand and holding onto his bunny in his other hand. I don't know how many times I've told him he needs to put that thing in the suit case so he doesn't lose it but oh well when he loses it I ain't looking for it!

"Okay mom I won't! I'm 14 remember? I'm plenty old enough to take care of my self." I tell her with an eye roll even though she can't see me through the phone.

"I know baby but I'm your mother so I'm still gonna worry. Anyways be careful we will be there as soon as possible! I love you both!" She explains like she always does. If she really cared though they would have come with us or let us stay home with them this year.

"Bye mommy!" Cole yells at the phone before I hang it up.

"Cole we need to put your bunny up so you don't lose it in this airport or leave it at the restaurant!" I tell him and thankfully this time he does as I say.

"Okay but don't squish him because then he will be hurt!" He tells me as we stop and unzip the suitcase. I gently lays his bunny in there before I zip it up and we start walking out of the airport. I stop at the doors to look up the nearest restaurant and find one that looks like it has good food. Then I put my phone in my pants pocket.

"Okay let's go get something to eat." I grab his hand and our suitcase and we start walking to the nearest restaurant. As we are walking my phone buzzes so I let go of Coles hand to check it. It's just my crazy friends bragging about how they got to go to the Bahamas for summer break while I had to go to my grandparents. I really wanted to go too but my parents wouldn't allow it they said that we always go to my grandparents and that that wasn't changing all because I wanted to go with my friends! Like how annoying is that! Plus my little pest of a brother wanted to go to our grandparents and he's to young to travel alone.

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