Chapter 22

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Asher's pov

After Oli left with Cole I laid back down and cried. I know im a boy but boys can cry too and you would be crying to if this was happening to you. Why can't we just escape? Why is all this happening to us? If I had known all of this was gonna happen I would have even went on that trip. How can someone even do this to a human being? This man's got to be insane! One that would be locked up in a mental institution for life! With these thoughts I dose off into a dreamless sleep.

What felt like only 5 minutes later I'm woke up by a sharp kick in my side. I quickly roll into a ball grabbing at the sore spot to make it stop hurting.

"Get up." I hear the man command. Once I realize it's him I try to curl tighter into a ball to make myself a smaller target. "I said get up!" He commands me again, but instead of waiting for me to move he grabs me by my hair and yanks me off the ground. I struggle to stay on my feet once he lets my hair go. Finally I regain my balance enough to stay standing.

"Be still. I swear if you move one inch you'll be stuck down here with no food for another whole week. Do you understand?" He asks me. I nod my head as an answer.

"Use your words!" He commands me with a slap to the face almost making me lose my balance again.

"Y-yes s-sir." I studder out. Obviously that wasn't the answer he wanted because he slaps me again this time sending me to the ground.

"This is the last time I will tell you! It is yes FATHER!" He screams at the end. I don't want to say it. If I say it then that means I've given up. I can't just give up! Right? A sharp kick to my stomach causes me to quickly do as I'm told.

"Y-y-yes f-f-f-fat-father!" I say just to make sure I don't receive another kick or slap. I have to remember to be good just until we are found. I have to do whatever it takes to make sure Cole is okay!

"Good! Now you see this right here?" He pulls something out of his pocket and holds it up with a smile on his face. The thing is a big black box with a thick black band attached to it. "It's an ankle monitor. If you get a certain amount of miles or even feet away from the house, depending on what I set it to, it will alert me and I will come find you. It's also got a tracking device in it so no matter where you go I will find you." He continues. No way! How would he even get something like this? He grabs my foot before I can protest and locks it around my ankle. It feels weird on my ankle. It makes it feel 10 times heavier. Once it's on and he backs up I roll my ankle around testing out the movement.

"Alright let's go. Its already past supper time and I'm sure Oli's freaking out." I tells me and motions for me to follow him. I quickly jump up and follow him up the stairs. I don't wanna stay down here any longer than I have to. I struggle to keep up with his long strides as we hurry towards the cabin. Once we get in f-the man hollers that he's home but no one answers him. I follow him into the kitchen and see Oli standing over the stove in a complete daze and Cole sitting at the table waiting to eat.

"Bubba!" Cole jumps up and comes running to me once he sees me. He wraps his tiny arms around me and I do the same to him. I don't know how I haven't noticed before but he's gotten skinnier since we've gotten here. Honestly so have I.

"Oli what are you doing?" The man asks Oli. He doesn't answer so the man calls out to him again. "Oli? OLI!" The man yells. This finally snaps Oli out of the daze he's in. Once he sees the man Oli comes running and engulfs him in a hug.

"I thought you weren't coming back!" I barely hear Oli's words that were muffled by the man's shirt.

"Don't you worry none I'll always come back." The man tells him with a chuckle. Why would Oli want him to come back? If he never came back then we could run away!

The man then tells Oli that its time to eat. I think Oli just noticed me because before he could sit down he asked if I was eating. The man said yes so Oli gets up and fixes me a plate sitting it right beside him. Why didn't he sit me beside Cole? I don't want to sit by him, but for now I won't say anything. We all sit down and start eating the roast Oli made. Since I haven't eaten in a while I can't help but to scarf it down fast. I've never really liked roast but this one tastes so good! I wonder how he affords all of this? I mean this house has to cost alot! Especially with it being in the middle of no where! Plus somehow he got ahold of an ankle monitor. I've only ever seen one of those on TV shows.

"Where do you work?" I ask before I even know what I'm doing.

I can feel Oli tense up beside me.
Everyone except Cole stops eating.

"You really wanna know?" The man questions as he sets his fork down beside his plate. Now that I asked I'm having second thoughts. Is he actually asking if I want to know or is he giving me a chance to take it back? I mean the worst he can do is tell me its none of my business right? No he could do a lot worse then that.

"U-um maybe?" I say it more like a question.

"Well I'll tell you what. I'll tell you on one condition, you ask nicely." The man says. What does he mean? I did ask nicely. I'm confused for a minute but then it hits me. Is it worth it though? Maybe it is. Maybe if I find out it can help us escape somehow.

"Please f-father." I say. He grins at his success.

"Well if you must know I work for the FBI." My heart stops at his words. No way! There's absolutely no way! "Oh and I'm not supposed to tell anyone about this but let me tell you about my latest case. Its a tragedy really. Two boys suddenly went missing from an airport while waiting for their parents. Sadly there's no evidence of what happened to them. Well except for a torn up bloody shirt. I reckon they left the airport and got attacked by some kind of rabid animal." He says in a fake sad voice. This can't be happening! We really aren't going to escape are we?

And here's another chapter! Hope you like it! Let me know what you think!!

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