Chapter 5

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After father left I finished the rest of my chores and decided to grab a book and go sit outside and read. I go to the bookshelf that sits in the livingroom and look for a book. I've already read every single book here about 20 times each so I grab a book at random. I really need to ask father if he could get me some more. I look at the cover of the book and realize I pulled out The Thief Lord, one of my favorite books. I walk into the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and went outside. It feels really good out here today. Not to hot and not to cold. I go to my special tree and sit down under it and start reading.

I get halfway through the book when I'm interrupted by my stomach growling. Did I even eat last night? I can't remember. Come to think of it I can't really remember anything from last night. Why is it all fuzzy? It's probably because I'm so tired. Oh well I can't eat again until tonight anyways so I'll just have to distract myself. I place a dry leaf in the book as my bookmark and take it into the house putting it back on the shelf in the exact place I got it from. Father has bad OCD so if anything is out of place he gets mad.

After putting the book up I wash my water cup and then decide to go on a walk through the woods. I know these woods pretty well. I know father doesn't mind and he would honestly love that I'm getting exercise. Plus no matter how far into the woods I go I still wouldn't be able to escape even if I wanted to. Father owns tons of land and he decided to have a HUGE electric fence put up all around his land so if someone gets out and gets away from the dogs they still won't be able to get out. Driving to the edge of the fence takes about two to three hour so walking or running to it would take at least a whole day. Especially if you don't know your way around the woods. I walk down the main trail in the woods just enjoying the quiet around me. I look up into the trees that almost fully block the bright blue sky. When father decides one of the kids aren't right for our family we end up burying them in a random spot out here. I wish we could somehow take their bodies to their parents so they could have some kind of closure but father says it's to risky. Plus I imagine that would be worse for the family to see their dead kids body.

After walking a bit longer I came to a stop under a tree that had an old wooden tree house in it. Me and father built a ton of these in multiple trees all through the woods. Sometimes he likes to let the victims out of the shed and let them take off into the woods and then he sends the dogs after them so we built them for them to climb up into so they have a sense of safety. When of course father is watching them through cameras he has everywhere. I don't really know why it's just a sick game he likes to play. I decide to head back to the house before it gets to late. Father usually doesn't get home til 7pm so I've still got plenty of time but I've still got to check on the kid and figure out what I'm gonna make for supper.

Finally I make it back to the house and remember I've got to throw some clothes on to wash. I absolutely hate doing laundry. So I go to his room and pick up all the clothes that are just thrown everywhere. Then I go in his bathroom and pick up all the clothes there. I swear his room looks like a teenagers room with all the stuff just thrown around his room. Looking at his room you would never know he was ocd, but I'm not allowed to touch any of his things except the clothes so everything will stay this way until he cleans it up. Finally I get all the clothes gather up and thrown in the washer. Then I go downstairs and out the back door to go check on the kid in the shed.

He's curled up into a ball like I imagined he would be. Once he realizes I'm in the room he quickly sits up and scoots as close to the wall as possible. I don't understand why he's so scared of me I haven't really done anything to him. It's probably because he hasn't seen father yet since he was brought here.

"Pl-pl-please don't h-hurt me." He stutters.

"I'm not going to. I just need to make sure the chains are still locked good." I explain to him as I pull on his chains to make sure they were locked securely in place. The chains rattling cause him to flinch. Followed by the growl of his stomach.

"Pl-please I'm so hungry." He begs. It hasn't even been a full day and he's already complaining. This is gonna be a long week! I just ignore him and turn around to walk out. He continues to try to beg me as I open the door and close it behind me making sure I lock it and cover it back up with the wooden planks.

After a little bit more reading and putting the folded laundry away I decide to start cooking supper because father will be home soon. I make some hamburger potato casserole that takes about an hour to cook. First I cook my hamburger meat in a pan with some seasonings. While thats cooking I peel and slice the potatoes in a chip like style. After that I mix the potatoes and hamburger meat in a bowl with some campbells cream of bacon and cream of celery. Then I pour all if that into a glass casserole dish and pop it in the oven. Then I start cleaning up the dirty dishes. Once that's done the casserole has about 30-45 more minutes to cook so I grab my book and start reading again.

10 minutes before the casserole is done I hear a car door outside meaning that father is home. I quickly put my book down and get up acting like I'm doing something. He doesn't care if I read when I have nothing else to do I just don't know what kind of mood he's gonna be in today and if he's in a bad mood I don't want him to think I've just been sitting around all day.

I hear the front door open and slam shut. Which signifies he's in a very bad mood.

"Where's my beer boy?" He all but yells at me as he walks into the kitchen. I quickly drop the rag I was wiping the counters with and run to the fridge geting a beer. I open it up and give it to him. I watch as he chugs it down then sets it down on the table and heads up stairs to change into a more comfortable outfit. By the time he gets done I'm thankfully setting down his plate of food with another bottle of beer. Then I set my plate down and stood behind my chair waiting for him to tell me to sit down. Finally he nods his head for me to sit and eat. We dig in ending another day in my life.

Well there's another chapter! Don't forget to comment what you think! Also don't worry the other characters are coming soon! As always dont forget to vote, comment, and give me a follow! :D

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